Animal Vitamins & Supplements

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Kidney Revival Max Master Blend Kidney Cleanse & Support Capsules* Adult & Senior Dogs - CAT 150 Caps - 500 mg.
Kidney Revival Max Master Blend Kidney Cleanse & Support Capsules* Adult & Senior Dogs - CAT 150 Caps - 500 mg. ('KIDNEYREVCAT90)
Kidney REVIVAL MAX* Capsules for Adult and Senior Dogs and Cats*

KIDNEY REVIVAL MAX for Adult and Senior Cats and Dogs* is a potent antioxidant and kidney nutritional support, containing first class adaptogens, which may help support phytochemically and nutritionally healthy kidney function, may help reduce inflammation related to kidneys, may help address damaged kidney cells and may help renew kidney cells due to anti-mutagenic actions, may help limit kidney infection, may help limit toxin load on the kidneys, may help support waste elimination produced by kidneys, may help detoxify the liver and kidneys by promoting bile production and inhibiting bacteria and fungi.

Our KIDNEY REVIVAL MAX CAPSULES is used holistically to help support healthy kidney function and to help reduce inflammation in the bladder and kidneys related to urinary tract inflammation and infection by helping limit toxin load on the kidneys and may help support the excretion of waste products by the kidneys.

KIDNEY REVIVAL MAX CAPSULES may also help detoxify and protect the liver and kidneys by promoting bile production and by helping to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi.

With demonstrated kidney protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-lithic (expels stones), antispasmodic, antiviral, antibacterial, pain-relieving, hypotensive, diuretic, antimutagenic and hypoglycemic activities, which may help limit inflammation in the kidneys and bladder and kidney infections, as well as may help function as an form against urolithiasis, to help block calcium oxalate as well as struvite stones from forming and may help counteract the symptoms of kidney disease. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Part of the potential success of these plants surrounds the smooth muscle relaxation plant actions within the kidney and biliary tract, which likely facilitates the expulsion of kidney or bladder calculi.

This plant wonder may work to help combat persistent kidney infections (upper urinary tract) and bladder infections (lower urinary tract) by reducing cortisol and calcium levels in the blood as well as may work to help normalize pH levels so that neither acidity or alkalinity is present; a critical component as it relates to the prevention of all types of inflammation, potential infection and stones.

KIDNEY REVIVAL MAX CAPSULES may also help minimize the likelihood of crystal and stone formation by blocking their formation in the kidneys and bladder (i.e. calcium oxalate stones result from acidic urine; struvite stones from alkaline urine). It also carries out reparative actions against the dysfunction that allows stones to form by helping to block unwanted material from entering kidney cells and supporting their safe elimination in the urinary tract. It's also a pain reliever which may help your dog or cat feel relief during and after their stones are broken up. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

While genetics can predispose your dog or cat to all types of stone formation, diet is usually the primary factor, but also unfiltered tap water, treats with inferior proteins, fillers and other questionable ingredients, synthetic medications and an acidic diet can all be contributing causes.

Other therapeutic indications of KIDNEY REVIVAL MAX CAPSULES may include the holistic use to help strengthen and tone connective bladder tissue related to urinary incontinence; may help reduce symptoms related to prostatitis and vaginitis; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD): Fatty Liver Disease (FLD); and for Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia and pancreatitis. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

There is emerging research that potentially links chronic kidney and bladder infections with conditions such as diabetes and Cushing's disease which may be related to endocrine dysfunction, perhaps specific to adrenal gland dysfunction.This product contains plants that may help tone adrenal gland function. If your pet suffers from chronic infection, please see your holistic veterinarian.

Your pet may drink more water and require more frequent bathroom breaks while using this product. This is normal and a healthy response to the natural detoxification process.


>A proprietary herbal blend which includes key ingredients such as Erva Tostao and Cipo Cabeludo.

Flavored Turkey Powder. Powder meets AAFCO Human Grade Food Products standards.

Made in the USA.


Do not give to puppies or kittens, pregnant or nursing pets,pets with a bile duct obstruction, hemophilia, edema, cardiac disease, high blood pressure or bladder stones composed of silica. Add a probiotic to diet. Use for 90 days then break for 30 days. May potentiate and interact with diabetic, heart, ACE inhibitor blood pressure, anticoagulant, and diuretic medications.


May potentiate diabetic, heart, blood pressure, anticoagulant, and diuretic medications.


Cautioned for pets with low blood pressure as plants containing coumarin m ay reduce blood pressure and may have a mildly cardiac depressant effect.


Strongly anti-microbial. Suggested to add dog and cat specific probiotics and digestive enzymes to diet with use.

For dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule daily.

For dogs and cats 13-24 pounds: 1 capsule, 2 times daily.

For dogs 25-49 pounds: 2 capsules, 2 times daily.

For dogs 50+ pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily.

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Life\'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Dog 90 capsules - 600 mg. Turkey Flavor
Life'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Dog 90 capsules - 600 mg. Turkey Flavor ('LIFESANITCH90DOG)
Life's An Itch - No More Sneezing or Wheezing " Respiratory, Allergy and Skin Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do you have an itchy, allergic dog or cat? You're not alone! One in three vet visits are related to allergies and food sensitivities. Did you know that your pet can developa food sensitivity to being fed the same food and/or protein year after year? Or that your dog or cat might be allergic to something in your home, such as scented dryer sheets or room deodorizers? Identifying the allergen source can be maddening, and meanwhile, your pet is miserable and you need a solution now.

We're on a on a mission to help relieve symptoms of every allergic, itchy, scratchy, sneezing and wheezing dog and cat worldwide.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used by holistic veterinarians to help address symptoms related to all types of acute and chronic allergies; proven to help relieve and help eliminate food allergies AND allergy sensitivities; to help modulate inflammation and help modulate histamine and mast cell response in the animal body; may help limit and potentially help disable allergen triggers once an allergy has occurred, may help dismantle the itch/scratch cycle that your dog or cat may be trapped; leukotriene inhibitor (opens airways, prevents mucus and fluid build up and bronchial dilator helps prevent tightening of the airways, limits swelling and excess mucous production, moderates immune response as needed and natural plant steroid and antibiotic content may help address respiratory inflammation and infections such as bronchitis or asthma.* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! may also be used to help relieve symptoms related to all types class="apple-converted-space">of allergies, including Acute Moist (i.e. skin, hot spots); Atopic (i.e. flea, itching, sneezing); Contact (i.e. rash, hair loss); Environmental (i.e. smoke, household cleaners, dryer sheets) and Food allergies (i.e. corn, wheat, soy, colorants, additives, certain proteins.) Life's An Itch contains natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamine, immune boosting, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! contains a variety of healthy, natural plant chemicals including antioxidants, soyasaponins, essential amino and fatty acids, novel flavonoids and terpenes, vitamins, minerals, choline, macro and micro minerals, alkaloids and coumarin.

Other holistic applications include use to help address and relieve symptoms related to hot spots, skin rashes, scratching, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, rubbing, foot chewing, biting, fur pulling, pain and inflammation by working from the inside out to help cool allergen response.

LIFE'S AN ITCH!contains a host of natural ingredients, including adaptogenic plants which work to boost or balance immunity as needed by the body; and antioxidant content may optimize general health and may even help prevent disease.

As a pet parent, you need to realize that healing takes times. Your pet should experience symptomatic relief relatively quickly but it can take a few months to help correct the overall trigger of allergies since herbs heal from the inside out and must stimulate the body systems to heal. *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH!works 24/7/365 to help address allergen and respiratory symptoms related to throat, nose, ear and eye allergy irritations; to help relax smooth muscle tissue, to help reduce runny nose and to help limit mucus production; to help alleviate throat, muzzle (nasal) and sinus inflammation; to help maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body (important in disease prevention); to help support long-term immune and respiratory health; may help symptoms related to relieve foot and mouth disease; and may help provide an extra layer of support for the pulmonary, lymphatic, central nervous and endocrine systems. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is gentle yet effective for all life stages of dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens. It may help perform other secondary duties, including holistic and integrative use to help relieve symptoms related to coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, laryngitis, esophaghitis, GERD, acid reflux, rhinitis and sinusitis.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used as an adjunctive support in the holistic treatment of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis; Kennel Cough; Bordatella, Parvovirus and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI); as well as to help reduce symptoms related to Panleukopenia; Pasteurella; Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia; Non-Inflammatory Metabolic Myopathy; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV); Feline Infections Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV). (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Finally, other therapeutic, holistic conditions include use to help relieve symptoms related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Mineralization and Ossification of the lungs by helping to smooth and relax muscles, tissues and inflamed mucous membranes; its natural plant chemicals may help reduce symptoms related to viral and bacterial infections; as a preventative for respiratory disorders and infections; may be beneficial in helping to reduce recovery time and severity at onset of asthma, bronchitis as well as sneezing and wheezing. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended Use

All Life Stage (ALS), Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; for all types of allergies; for colds, flu and cough; for respiratory, general immune and whole body system support; for sudden or ongoing stress (internal or external); for fatigue and reduced stamina; for working and performance animals; for use in cold climates and during winter months.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Manayupa and Nettle.

Turkey flavored capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).


Contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets and pets using estrogen (Tamoxifen, Nolvadex, etcetera),antibiotic and aspirin medications. Cautioned for pets with heart conditions and for pets using anti-coagulants, blood thinning or diuretic medications. Suggested to use a pet friendly probiotic as long term use can cause electrolyte and mineral imbalances for pets who experience such conditions.

Drug Interactions:

May enhance diuretic, blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs. May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.


Cautioned for use and may enhance blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs.May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants. If your pet has liver disease or liver damage, talk to your Vet prior to starting Vulgare.


1-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

25-49 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

50-75 pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

75-100 pounds / 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily


1-12 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

13-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

25+ pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

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Life\'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Dog 150 capsules - 600 mg. Turkey Flavor
Life'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Dog 150 capsules - 600 mg. Turkey Flavor ('LIFESANITCH150DOG)
Life's An Itch - No More Sneezing or Wheezing " Respiratory, Allergy and Skin Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do you have an itchy, allergic dog or cat? You're not alone! One in three vet visits are related to allergies and food sensitivities. Did you know that your pet can developa food sensitivity to being fed the same food and/or protein year after year? Or that your dog or cat might be allergic to something in your home, such as scented dryer sheets or room deodorizers? Identifying the allergen source can be maddening, and meanwhile, your pet is miserable and you need a solution now.

We're on a on a mission to help relieve symptoms of every allergic, itchy, scratchy, sneezing and wheezing dog and cat worldwide.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used by holistic veterinarians to help address symptoms related to all types of acute and chronic allergies; proven to help relieve and help eliminate food allergies AND allergy sensitivities; to help modulate inflammation and help modulate histamine and mast cell response in the animal body; may help limit and potentially help disable allergen triggers once an allergy has occurred, may help dismantle the itch/scratch cycle that your dog or cat may be trapped; leukotriene inhibitor (opens airways, prevents mucus and fluid build up and bronchial dilator helps prevent tightening of the airways, limits swelling and excess mucous production, moderates immune response as needed and natural plant steroid and antibiotic content may help address respiratory inflammation and infections such as bronchitis or asthma.* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! may also be used to help relieve symptoms related to all types class="apple-converted-space">of allergies, including Acute Moist (i.e. skin, hot spots); Atopic (i.e. flea, itching, sneezing); Contact (i.e. rash, hair loss); Environmental (i.e. smoke, household cleaners, dryer sheets) and Food allergies (i.e. corn, wheat, soy, colorants, additives, certain proteins.) Life's An Itch contains natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamine, immune boosting, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! contains a variety of healthy, natural plant chemicals including antioxidants, soyasaponins, essential amino and fatty acids, novel flavonoids and terpenes, vitamins, minerals, choline, macro and micro minerals, alkaloids and coumarin.

Other holistic applications include use to help address and relieve symptoms related to hot spots, skin rashes, scratching, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, rubbing, foot chewing, biting, fur pulling, pain and inflammation by working from the inside out to help cool allergen response.

LIFE'S AN ITCH!contains a host of natural ingredients, including adaptogenic plants which work to boost or balance immunity as needed by the body; and antioxidant content may optimize general health and may even help prevent disease.

As a pet parent, you need to realize that healing takes times. Your pet should experience symptomatic relief relatively quickly but it can take a few months to help correct the overall trigger of allergies since herbs heal from the inside out and must stimulate the body systems to heal. *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH!works 24/7/365 to help address allergen and respiratory symptoms related to throat, nose, ear and eye allergy irritations; to help relax smooth muscle tissue, to help reduce runny nose and to help limit mucus production; to help alleviate throat, muzzle (nasal) and sinus inflammation; to help maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body (important in disease prevention); to help support long-term immune and respiratory health; may help symptoms related to relieve foot and mouth disease; and may help provide an extra layer of support for the pulmonary, lymphatic, central nervous and endocrine systems. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is gentle yet effective for all life stages of dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens. It may help perform other secondary duties, including holistic and integrative use to help relieve symptoms related to coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, laryngitis, esophaghitis, GERD, acid reflux, rhinitis and sinusitis.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used as an adjunctive support in the holistic treatment of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis; Kennel Cough; Bordatella, Parvovirus and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI); as well as to help reduce symptoms related to Panleukopenia; Pasteurella; Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia; Non-Inflammatory Metabolic Myopathy; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV); Feline Infections Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV). (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Finally, other therapeutic, holistic conditions include use to help relieve symptoms related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Mineralization and Ossification of the lungs by helping to smooth and relax muscles, tissues and inflamed mucous membranes; its natural plant chemicals may help reduce symptoms related to viral and bacterial infections; as a preventative for respiratory disorders and infections; may be beneficial in helping to reduce recovery time and severity at onset of asthma, bronchitis as well as sneezing and wheezing. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended Use

All Life Stage (ALS), Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; for all types of allergies; for colds, flu and cough; for respiratory, general immune and whole body system support; for sudden or ongoing stress (internal or external); for fatigue and reduced stamina; for working and performance animals; for use in cold climates and during winter months.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Manayupa and Nettle.

Turkey flavored capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).


Contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets and pets using estrogen (Tamoxifen, Nolvadex, etcetera),antibiotic and aspirin medications. Cautioned for pets with heart conditions and for pets using anti-coagulants, blood thinning or diuretic medications. Suggested to use a pet friendly probiotic as long term use can cause electrolyte and mineral imbalances for pets who experience such conditions.

Drug Interactions:

May enhance diuretic, blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs. May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.


Cautioned for use and may enhance blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs.May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants. If your pet has liver disease or liver damage, talk to your Vet prior to starting Vulgare.


1-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

25-49 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

50-75 pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

75-100 pounds / 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily


1-12 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

13-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

25+ pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

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Life\'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Dog 250 capsules -600 mg. Turkey Flavor
Life'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Dog 250 capsules -600 mg. Turkey Flavor ('LIFESANITCH250DOG)
Life's An Itch - No More Sneezing or Wheezing " Respiratory, Allergy and Skin Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do you have an itchy, allergic dog or cat? You're not alone! One in three vet visits are related to allergies and food sensitivities. Did you know that your pet can developa food sensitivity to being fed the same food and/or protein year after year? Or that your dog or cat might be allergic to something in your home, such as scented dryer sheets or room deodorizers? Identifying the allergen source can be maddening, and meanwhile, your pet is miserable and you need a solution now.

We're on a on a mission to help relieve symptoms of every allergic, itchy, scratchy, sneezing and wheezing dog and cat worldwide.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used by holistic veterinarians to help address symptoms related to all types of acute and chronic allergies; proven to help relieve and help eliminate food allergies AND allergy sensitivities; to help modulate inflammation and help modulate histamine and mast cell response in the animal body; may help limit and potentially help disable allergen triggers once an allergy has occurred, may help dismantle the itch/scratch cycle that your dog or cat may be trapped; leukotriene inhibitor (opens airways, prevents mucus and fluid build up and bronchial dilator helps prevent tightening of the airways, limits swelling and excess mucous production, moderates immune response as needed and natural plant steroid and antibiotic content may help address respiratory inflammation and infections such as bronchitis or asthma.* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! may also be used to help relieve symptoms related to all types class="apple-converted-space">of allergies, including Acute Moist (i.e. skin, hot spots); Atopic (i.e. flea, itching, sneezing); Contact (i.e. rash, hair loss); Environmental (i.e. smoke, household cleaners, dryer sheets) and Food allergies (i.e. corn, wheat, soy, colorants, additives, certain proteins.) Life's An Itch contains natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamine, immune boosting, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! contains a variety of healthy, natural plant chemicals including antioxidants, soyasaponins, essential amino and fatty acids, novel flavonoids and terpenes, vitamins, minerals, choline, macro and micro minerals, alkaloids and coumarin.

Other holistic applications include use to help address and relieve symptoms related to hot spots, skin rashes, scratching, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, rubbing, foot chewing, biting, fur pulling, pain and inflammation by working from the inside out to help cool allergen response.

LIFE'S AN ITCH!contains a host of natural ingredients, including adaptogenic plants which work to boost or balance immunity as needed by the body; and antioxidant content may optimize general health and may even help prevent disease.

As a pet parent, you need to realize that healing takes times. Your pet should experience symptomatic relief relatively quickly but it can take a few months to help correct the overall trigger of allergies since herbs heal from the inside out and must stimulate the body systems to heal. *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH!works 24/7/365 to help address allergen and respiratory symptoms related to throat, nose, ear and eye allergy irritations; to help relax smooth muscle tissue, to help reduce runny nose and to help limit mucus production; to help alleviate throat, muzzle (nasal) and sinus inflammation; to help maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body (important in disease prevention); to help support long-term immune and respiratory health; may help symptoms related to relieve foot and mouth disease; and may help provide an extra layer of support for the pulmonary, lymphatic, central nervous and endocrine systems. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is gentle yet effective for all life stages of dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens. It may help perform other secondary duties, including holistic and integrative use to help relieve symptoms related to coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, laryngitis, esophaghitis, GERD, acid reflux, rhinitis and sinusitis.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used as an adjunctive support in the holistic treatment of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis; Kennel Cough; Bordatella, Parvovirus and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI); as well as to help reduce symptoms related to Panleukopenia; Pasteurella; Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia; Non-Inflammatory Metabolic Myopathy; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV); Feline Infections Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV). (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Finally, other therapeutic, holistic conditions include use to help relieve symptoms related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Mineralization and Ossification of the lungs by helping to smooth and relax muscles, tissues and inflamed mucous membranes; its natural plant chemicals may help reduce symptoms related to viral and bacterial infections; as a preventative for respiratory disorders and infections; may be beneficial in helping to reduce recovery time and severity at onset of asthma, bronchitis as well as sneezing and wheezing. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended Use

All Life Stage (ALS), Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; for all types of allergies; for colds, flu and cough; for respiratory, general immune and whole body system support; for sudden or ongoing stress (internal or external); for fatigue and reduced stamina; for working and performance animals; for use in cold climates and during winter months.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Manayupa and Nettle.

Turkey flavored capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).


Contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets and pets using estrogen (Tamoxifen, Nolvadex, etcetera),antibiotic and aspirin medications. Cautioned for pets with heart conditions and for pets using anti-coagulants, blood thinning or diuretic medications. Suggested to use a pet friendly probiotic as long term use can cause electrolyte and mineral imbalances for pets who experience such conditions.

Drug Interactions:

May enhance diuretic, blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs. May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.


Cautioned for use and may enhance blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs.May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants. If your pet has liver disease or liver damage, talk to your Vet prior to starting Vulgare.


1-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

25-49 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

50-75 pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

75-100 pounds / 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily


1-12 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

13-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

25+ pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

Thank you for shopping at
Life\'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Cat 90 capsules - 300 mg Turkey Flavor
Life'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Cat 90 capsules - 300 mg Turkey Flavor ('LIFESANITCH90CAT)
Life's An Itch - No More Sneezing or Wheezing " Respiratory, Allergy and Skin Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do you have an itchy, allergic dog or cat? You're not alone! One in three vet visits are related to allergies and food sensitivities. Did you know that your pet can developa food sensitivity to being fed the same food and/or protein year after year? Or that your dog or cat might be allergic to something in your home, such as scented dryer sheets or room deodorizers? Identifying the allergen source can be maddening, and meanwhile, your pet is miserable and you need a solution now.

We're on a on a mission to help relieve symptoms of every allergic, itchy, scratchy, sneezing and wheezing dog and cat worldwide.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used by holistic veterinarians to help address symptoms related to all types of acute and chronic allergies; proven to help relieve and help eliminate food allergies AND allergy sensitivities; to help modulate inflammation and help modulate histamine and mast cell response in the animal body; may help limit and potentially help disable allergen triggers once an allergy has occurred, may help dismantle the itch/scratch cycle that your dog or cat may be trapped; leukotriene inhibitor (opens airways, prevents mucus and fluid build up and bronchial dilator helps prevent tightening of the airways, limits swelling and excess mucous production, moderates immune response as needed and natural plant steroid and antibiotic content may help address respiratory inflammation and infections such as bronchitis or asthma.* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! may also be used to help relieve symptoms related to all types class="apple-converted-space">of allergies, including Acute Moist (i.e. skin, hot spots); Atopic (i.e. flea, itching, sneezing); Contact (i.e. rash, hair loss); Environmental (i.e. smoke, household cleaners, dryer sheets) and Food allergies (i.e. corn, wheat, soy, colorants, additives, certain proteins.) Life's An Itch contains natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamine, immune boosting, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! contains a variety of healthy, natural plant chemicals including antioxidants, soyasaponins, essential amino and fatty acids, novel flavonoids and terpenes, vitamins, minerals, choline, macro and micro minerals, alkaloids and coumarin.

Other holistic applications include use to help address and relieve symptoms related to hot spots, skin rashes, scratching, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, rubbing, foot chewing, biting, fur pulling, pain and inflammation by working from the inside out to help cool allergen response.

LIFE'S AN ITCH!contains a host of natural ingredients, including adaptogenic plants which work to boost or balance immunity as needed by the body; and antioxidant content may optimize general health and may even help prevent disease.

As a pet parent, you need to realize that healing takes times. Your pet should experience symptomatic relief relatively quickly but it can take a few months to help correct the overall trigger of allergies since herbs heal from the inside out and must stimulate the body systems to heal. *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH!works 24/7/365 to help address allergen and respiratory symptoms related to throat, nose, ear and eye allergy irritations; to help relax smooth muscle tissue, to help reduce runny nose and to help limit mucus production; to help alleviate throat, muzzle (nasal) and sinus inflammation; to help maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body (important in disease prevention); to help support long-term immune and respiratory health; may help symptoms related to relieve foot and mouth disease; and may help provide an extra layer of support for the pulmonary, lymphatic, central nervous and endocrine systems. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is gentle yet effective for all life stages of dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens. It may help perform other secondary duties, including holistic and integrative use to help relieve symptoms related to coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, laryngitis, esophaghitis, GERD, acid reflux, rhinitis and sinusitis.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used as an adjunctive support in the holistic treatment of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis; Kennel Cough; Bordatella, Parvovirus and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI); as well as to help reduce symptoms related to Panleukopenia; Pasteurella; Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia; Non-Inflammatory Metabolic Myopathy; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV); Feline Infections Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV). (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Finally, other therapeutic, holistic conditions include use to help relieve symptoms related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Mineralization and Ossification of the lungs by helping to smooth and relax muscles, tissues and inflamed mucous membranes; its natural plant chemicals may help reduce symptoms related to viral and bacterial infections; as a preventative for respiratory disorders and infections; may be beneficial in helping to reduce recovery time and severity at onset of asthma, bronchitis as well as sneezing and wheezing. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended Use

All Life Stage (ALS), Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; for all types of allergies; for colds, flu and cough; for respiratory, general immune and whole body system support; for sudden or ongoing stress (internal or external); for fatigue and reduced stamina; for working and performance animals; for use in cold climates and during winter months.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Manayupa and Nettle.

Turkey flavored capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).


Contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets and pets using estrogen (Tamoxifen, Nolvadex, etcetera),antibiotic and aspirin medications. Cautioned for pets with heart conditions and for pets using anti-coagulants, blood thinning or diuretic medications. Suggested to use a pet friendly probiotic as long term use can cause electrolyte and mineral imbalances for pets who experience such conditions.

Drug Interactions:

May enhance diuretic, blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs. May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.


Cautioned for use and may enhance blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs.May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants. If your pet has liver disease or liver damage, talk to your Vet prior to starting Vulgare.


1-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

25-49 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

50-75 pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

75-100 pounds / 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily


1-12 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

13-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

25+ pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

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Life\'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Cat 150 capsules - 300 mg Turkey Flavor
Life'S An Itch Capsules - Respiratory, Allergy & Skin Support* Capsules For Dogs & Cats* - Cat 150 capsules - 300 mg Turkey Flavor ('LIFESANITCH150CAT)
Life's An Itch - No More Sneezing or Wheezing " Respiratory, Allergy and Skin Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do you have an itchy, allergic dog or cat? You're not alone! One in three vet visits are related to allergies and food sensitivities. Did you know that your pet can developa food sensitivity to being fed the same food and/or protein year after year? Or that your dog or cat might be allergic to something in your home, such as scented dryer sheets or room deodorizers? Identifying the allergen source can be maddening, and meanwhile, your pet is miserable and you need a solution now.

We're on a on a mission to help relieve symptoms of every allergic, itchy, scratchy, sneezing and wheezing dog and cat worldwide.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used by holistic veterinarians to help address symptoms related to all types of acute and chronic allergies; proven to help relieve and help eliminate food allergies AND allergy sensitivities; to help modulate inflammation and help modulate histamine and mast cell response in the animal body; may help limit and potentially help disable allergen triggers once an allergy has occurred, may help dismantle the itch/scratch cycle that your dog or cat may be trapped; leukotriene inhibitor (opens airways, prevents mucus and fluid build up and bronchial dilator helps prevent tightening of the airways, limits swelling and excess mucous production, moderates immune response as needed and natural plant steroid and antibiotic content may help address respiratory inflammation and infections such as bronchitis or asthma.* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! may also be used to help relieve symptoms related to all types class="apple-converted-space">of allergies, including Acute Moist (i.e. skin, hot spots); Atopic (i.e. flea, itching, sneezing); Contact (i.e. rash, hair loss); Environmental (i.e. smoke, household cleaners, dryer sheets) and Food allergies (i.e. corn, wheat, soy, colorants, additives, certain proteins.) Life's An Itch contains natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamine, immune boosting, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! contains a variety of healthy, natural plant chemicals including antioxidants, soyasaponins, essential amino and fatty acids, novel flavonoids and terpenes, vitamins, minerals, choline, macro and micro minerals, alkaloids and coumarin.

Other holistic applications include use to help address and relieve symptoms related to hot spots, skin rashes, scratching, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, rubbing, foot chewing, biting, fur pulling, pain and inflammation by working from the inside out to help cool allergen response.

LIFE'S AN ITCH!contains a host of natural ingredients, including adaptogenic plants which work to boost or balance immunity as needed by the body; and antioxidant content may optimize general health and may even help prevent disease.

As a pet parent, you need to realize that healing takes times. Your pet should experience symptomatic relief relatively quickly but it can take a few months to help correct the overall trigger of allergies since herbs heal from the inside out and must stimulate the body systems to heal. *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH!works 24/7/365 to help address allergen and respiratory symptoms related to throat, nose, ear and eye allergy irritations; to help relax smooth muscle tissue, to help reduce runny nose and to help limit mucus production; to help alleviate throat, muzzle (nasal) and sinus inflammation; to help maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body (important in disease prevention); to help support long-term immune and respiratory health; may help symptoms related to relieve foot and mouth disease; and may help provide an extra layer of support for the pulmonary, lymphatic, central nervous and endocrine systems. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is gentle yet effective for all life stages of dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens. It may help perform other secondary duties, including holistic and integrative use to help relieve symptoms related to coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, laryngitis, esophaghitis, GERD, acid reflux, rhinitis and sinusitis.

LIFE'S AN ITCH! is used as an adjunctive support in the holistic treatment of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis; Kennel Cough; Bordatella, Parvovirus and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI); as well as to help reduce symptoms related to Panleukopenia; Pasteurella; Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia; Non-Inflammatory Metabolic Myopathy; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV); Feline Infections Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV). (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Finally, other therapeutic, holistic conditions include use to help relieve symptoms related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Mineralization and Ossification of the lungs by helping to smooth and relax muscles, tissues and inflamed mucous membranes; its natural plant chemicals may help reduce symptoms related to viral and bacterial infections; as a preventative for respiratory disorders and infections; may be beneficial in helping to reduce recovery time and severity at onset of asthma, bronchitis as well as sneezing and wheezing. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended Use

All Life Stage (ALS), Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; for all types of allergies; for colds, flu and cough; for respiratory, general immune and whole body system support; for sudden or ongoing stress (internal or external); for fatigue and reduced stamina; for working and performance animals; for use in cold climates and during winter months.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Manayupa and Nettle.

Turkey flavored capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).


Contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets and pets using estrogen (Tamoxifen, Nolvadex, etcetera),antibiotic and aspirin medications. Cautioned for pets with heart conditions and for pets using anti-coagulants, blood thinning or diuretic medications. Suggested to use a pet friendly probiotic as long term use can cause electrolyte and mineral imbalances for pets who experience such conditions.

Drug Interactions:

May enhance diuretic, blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs. May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.


Cautioned for use and may enhance blood thinning, heart and blood pressure ( Warfarin(R), Coumadin, etcetera) and diuretic drugs.May increase drowsiness caused by benzodiazepines, lorazepam (Ativan) or diazepam (Valium) medications; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants. If your pet has liver disease or liver damage, talk to your Vet prior to starting Vulgare.


1-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

25-49 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

50-75 pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

75-100 pounds / 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily


1-12 pounds / 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

13-24 pounds / 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

25+ pounds / 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

Thank you for shopping at
Life\'S An Itch No More Sneezing & Wheezing* Respiratory, Allergy & Tracheal Support* - DOG / 8.9 fl oz / 223 ml
Life'S An Itch No More Sneezing & Wheezing* Respiratory, Allergy & Tracheal Support* - DOG / 8.9 fl oz / 223 ml ('LIFELIQUIDDOGUPC)
LIFE'S AN ITCH NO MORE SNEEZING and WHEEZING* Respiratory, Allergy and Tracheal Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do you have an itchy, allergic dog or cat? You're not alone! One in three vet visits are related to allergies and food sensitivities. Did you know that your pet can developa food sensitivity to being fed the same food and/or protein year after year? Or that your dog or cat might be allergic to something in your home, such as scented dryer sheets or room deodorizers? Identifying the allergen source can be maddening, and meanwhile, your pet is miserable and you need a solution now.

We're on a on a mission to help relieve symptoms of every allergic, itchy, scratchy, sneezing and wheezing dog and cat worldwide. LIFE'S AN ITCH is used by holistic veterinarians to help address symptoms related to all types of acute and chronic allergies; proven to help relieve and help eliminate food allergies AND allergy sensitivities; to help modulate excessive inflammation and help modulate excessive histamine and mast cell response in the animal body; as a leukotriene inhibitor that helps prevent tightening of airways related to cough, asthma and other breathing disorders, and allergen triggers as it works to help prevent nasal pathways from swelling and producing excess mucus.

LIFE'S AN ITCH contains a variety of healthy plant adaptogens and natural chemicals including antioxidants, soyasaponins, essential amino and fatty acids, novel flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, choline, macro and micro minerals, alkaloids and coumarin. Strongly antioxidant, anti-asthmatic, antispasmodic, anti-histamine, anti-tussive, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, bronchodilating and muscle relaxing.

LIFE'S AN ITCH has been studied at a 92% effective rate to help limit and potentially help disable allergen triggers once an allergy has occurred and may help dismantle the itch/scratch cycle that your dog or cat seems trapped in. It also has also been studied a a 92% effective rate for helping address respiratory conditions related to coughing and sneezing as well as infections related to bronchitis and asthma.* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH may also be used to help relieve symptoms related to all types class="apple-converted-space">of allergies, including Acute Moist (i.e. skin, hot spots); Atopic (i.e. flea, itching, sneezing); Contact (i.e. rash, hair loss); Environmental (i.e. smoke, household cleaners, dryer sheets) and Food allergies (i.e. corn, wheat, soy, colorants, additives, certain proteins.) Life's An Itch containsnatural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamine, immune boosting, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other holistic applications include use to help address and relieve symptoms related to coughing, sneezing, wheezing, hot spots, skin rashes, scratching, rubbing, foot chewing, biting, fur pulling and pain and inflammation by working from the inside out to help cool smooth muscles related to heightened bronchial distress and allergen response.

In addition to addressing allergies, Life's An Itch contains a host of natural ingredients, including adaptogenic plants which work to boost or balance immunity as needed by the body; and antioxidant content may optimize general health and may even help prevent disease.

As a pet parent, you need to realize that healing takes times. Your pet should experience symptomatic relief relatively quickly but it can take a few months or more to work to help correct the overall trigger of allergies at a cellular levels, since herbs heal from the inside out and must stimulate the body systems to heal. *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH works 24/7/365 to help address allergen and respiratory symptoms; to help address symptoms and conditions related to throat, nose, ear and eye allergy irritations; to help reduce runny nose and to help limit mucus production; to help alleviate throat, muzzle (nasal) and sinus inflammation including water in lungs (pleural effusion); to help maintain fluid balance in the body, (important in disease prevention) by helping to maintain electrolyte balance; may work to help support long-term immune and respiratory health; may help symptoms related to relieve foot and mouth disease; and may help provide an extra layer of support for the pulmonary, lymphatic, central nervous and endocrine systems. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH is gentle yet effective for all life stages of dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens. It may help perform other duties, including the holistic and integrative use to help relieve symptoms related to coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, laryngitis, esophaghitis, GERD, acid reflux, rhinitis and sinusitis. It is also used as an adjunctive support in the holistic treatment of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis; Kennel Cough; Bordatella, Parvovirus and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI); as well as to help reduce symptoms related to Panleukopenia; Pasteurella; Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia; Non-Inflammatory Metabolic Myopathy; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV); Feline Infections Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV). (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Finally, other therapeutic, holistic conditions include use to help relieve symptoms related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Mineralization and Ossification of the lungs by helping to smooth and relax muscles, tissues and inflamed mucous membranes; its natural plant chemicals may help reduce symptoms related to viral and bacterial infections; as a preventative for respiratory disorders and infections; may be beneficial in helping to reduce recovery time and severity at onset of asthma, bronchitis as well as sneezing and wheezing. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Ephedrine Free. *

Recommended Use

All Life Stage (ALS), Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; for all types of allergies; for colds, flu and cough; for respiratory, general immune and whole body system support; for sudden or ongoing stress (internal or external); for fatigue and reduced stamina; for working and performance animals; for use in cold climates and during winter months.


Proprietary adaptogen, alcohol free extract formula, including plants such as Gayana and Pulmonaria. (Newborn puppies and kittens less than 6 moths old should not use this product as it contains honey (propolis)

CONTRAINDICATIONS: DO NOT GIVE TO NEWBORN PUPPIES AND KITTENSDiscontinue use 2 weeks prior to surgery, and do not use with estrogen medications. or with pets allergic to honey. Possibly contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets. Cautioned for diabetic and hypoglycemic pets and pets using anti-coagulant and blood thinning medications, such as Coumadin or Warfarin. May increase the effects of sedatives, pain killers and barbiturates. May decrease how effectively ciprofloxacin (antibiotic, Cipro) is absorbed. To avoid this interaction, take Life's An Itch at least one hour after ciprofloxacin (Cipro). Drug Interactions

May enhance or increase the effect of blood-thinning, anti-coagulant, insulin, diabetic and hypoglycemic medications and may interact with drugs for estrogen-sensitive cancers such as Tamoxifen (Nolvadex). May increase drowsiness caused by some drugs such as benzodiazepines such as Valium, lorazepam, Ativan or diazepam; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.


Cautioned for use with blood-thinning, anti-coagulant, insulin, diabetic and hypoglycemic medications. Do not use with drugs for estrogen-sensitive cancers such as Tamoxifen (Nolvadex). May increase drowsiness caused by some drugs such as benzodiazepines such as Valium, lorazepam, Ativan or diazepam; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.

This product contains Eucalyptus Extract and is safe for adult dogs and cats. (Does NOT contain Eucalyptus Oil which is unsafe when taken by mouth or applied directly to the skin without first being diluted.) Cautioned for diabetic and hypoglycemic pets as may lower blood sugar. Discontinue use at least 2 weeks prior to surgery.

Dog and cats up to 12 pounds: 2.5 ml, 2 times daily.
Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 2.5 ml, 2 times daily.Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 5 ml, 2 times daily.Dogs and cats 51-75 pounds: 7.5 ml, 2 times daily.Serving cup attached with measurements listed.
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Out of Stock
Life\'S An Itch No More Sneezing & Wheezing* Respiratory, Allergy & Tracheal Support* - CAT / 8.9 fl oz / 223 ml
Life'S An Itch No More Sneezing & Wheezing* Respiratory, Allergy & Tracheal Support* - CAT / 8.9 fl oz / 223 ml ('LIFE2LIQUIDCATUPC)
LIFE'S AN ITCH NO MORE SNEEZING and WHEEZING* Respiratory, Allergy and Tracheal Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Do you have an itchy, allergic dog or cat? You're not alone! One in three vet visits are related to allergies and food sensitivities. Did you know that your pet can developa food sensitivity to being fed the same food and/or protein year after year? Or that your dog or cat might be allergic to something in your home, such as scented dryer sheets or room deodorizers? Identifying the allergen source can be maddening, and meanwhile, your pet is miserable and you need a solution now.

We're on a on a mission to help relieve symptoms of every allergic, itchy, scratchy, sneezing and wheezing dog and cat worldwide. LIFE'S AN ITCH is used by holistic veterinarians to help address symptoms related to all types of acute and chronic allergies; proven to help relieve and help eliminate food allergies AND allergy sensitivities; to help modulate excessive inflammation and help modulate excessive histamine and mast cell response in the animal body; as a leukotriene inhibitor that helps prevent tightening of airways related to cough, asthma and other breathing disorders, and allergen triggers as it works to help prevent nasal pathways from swelling and producing excess mucus.

LIFE'S AN ITCH contains a variety of healthy plant adaptogens and natural chemicals including antioxidants, soyasaponins, essential amino and fatty acids, novel flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, choline, macro and micro minerals, alkaloids and coumarin. Strongly antioxidant, anti-asthmatic, antispasmodic, anti-histamine, anti-tussive, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, bronchodilating and muscle relaxing.

LIFE'S AN ITCH has been studied at a 92% effective rate to help limit and potentially help disable allergen triggers once an allergy has occurred and may help dismantle the itch/scratch cycle that your dog or cat seems trapped in. It also has also been studied a a 92% effective rate for helping address respiratory conditions related to coughing and sneezing as well as infections related to bronchitis and asthma.* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH may also be used to help relieve symptoms related to all types class="apple-converted-space">of allergies, including Acute Moist (i.e. skin, hot spots); Atopic (i.e. flea, itching, sneezing); Contact (i.e. rash, hair loss); Environmental (i.e. smoke, household cleaners, dryer sheets) and Food allergies (i.e. corn, wheat, soy, colorants, additives, certain proteins.) Life's An Itch containsnatural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamine, immune boosting, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antimicrobial and decongestant properties. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other holistic applications include use to help address and relieve symptoms related to coughing, sneezing, wheezing, hot spots, skin rashes, scratching, rubbing, foot chewing, biting, fur pulling and pain and inflammation by working from the inside out to help cool smooth muscles related to heightened bronchial distress and allergen response.

In addition to addressing allergies, Life's An Itch contains a host of natural ingredients, including adaptogenic plants which work to boost or balance immunity as needed by the body; and antioxidant content may optimize general health and may even help prevent disease.

As a pet parent, you need to realize that healing takes times. Your pet should experience symptomatic relief relatively quickly but it can take a few months or more to work to help correct the overall trigger of allergies at a cellular levels, since herbs heal from the inside out and must stimulate the body systems to heal. *(* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH works 24/7/365 to help address allergen and respiratory symptoms; to help address symptoms and conditions related to throat, nose, ear and eye allergy irritations; to help reduce runny nose and to help limit mucus production; to help alleviate throat, muzzle (nasal) and sinus inflammation including water in lungs (pleural effusion); to help maintain fluid balance in the body, (important in disease prevention) by helping to maintain electrolyte balance; may work to help support long-term immune and respiratory health; may help symptoms related to relieve foot and mouth disease; and may help provide an extra layer of support for the pulmonary, lymphatic, central nervous and endocrine systems. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LIFE'S AN ITCH is gentle yet effective for all life stages of dogs and cats, including puppies and kittens. It may help perform other duties, including the holistic and integrative use to help relieve symptoms related to coughs, colds, flu, pneumonia, laryngitis, esophaghitis, GERD, acid reflux, rhinitis and sinusitis. It is also used as an adjunctive support in the holistic treatment of Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis; Kennel Cough; Bordatella, Parvovirus and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI); as well as to help reduce symptoms related to Panleukopenia; Pasteurella; Non-Inflammatory Hereditary Myotonia; Non-Inflammatory Metabolic Myopathy; Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV); Feline Infections Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV). (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Finally, other therapeutic, holistic conditions include use to help relieve symptoms related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Pulmonary Mineralization and Ossification of the lungs by helping to smooth and relax muscles, tissues and inflamed mucous membranes; its natural plant chemicals may help reduce symptoms related to viral and bacterial infections; as a preventative for respiratory disorders and infections; may be beneficial in helping to reduce recovery time and severity at onset of asthma, bronchitis as well as sneezing and wheezing. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Ephedrine Free. *

Recommended Use

All Life Stage (ALS), Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; for all types of allergies; for colds, flu and cough; for respiratory, general immune and whole body system support; for sudden or ongoing stress (internal or external); for fatigue and reduced stamina; for working and performance animals; for use in cold climates and during winter months.


Proprietary adaptogen, alcohol free extract formula, including plants such as Gayana and Pulmonaria. (Newborn puppies and kittens less than 6 moths old should not use this product as it contains honey (propolis)

CONTRAINDICATIONS: DO NOT GIVE TO NEWBORN PUPPIES AND KITTENSDiscontinue use 2 weeks prior to surgery, and do not use with estrogen medications. or with pets allergic to honey. Possibly contraindicated for pregnant and nursing pets. Cautioned for diabetic and hypoglycemic pets and pets using anti-coagulant and blood thinning medications, such as Coumadin or Warfarin. May increase the effects of sedatives, pain killers and barbiturates. May decrease how effectively ciprofloxacin (antibiotic, Cipro) is absorbed. To avoid this interaction, take Life's An Itch at least one hour after ciprofloxacin (Cipro). Drug Interactions

May enhance or increase the effect of blood-thinning, anti-coagulant, insulin, diabetic and hypoglycemic medications and may interact with drugs for estrogen-sensitive cancers such as Tamoxifen (Nolvadex). May increase drowsiness caused by some drugs such as benzodiazepines such as Valium, lorazepam, Ativan or diazepam; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.


Cautioned for use with blood-thinning, anti-coagulant, insulin, diabetic and hypoglycemic medications. Do not use with drugs for estrogen-sensitive cancers such as Tamoxifen (Nolvadex). May increase drowsiness caused by some drugs such as benzodiazepines such as Valium, lorazepam, Ativan or diazepam; barbiturates such as Phenobarbital, narcotics such as codeine and some anti-depressants.

This product contains Eucalyptus Extract and is safe for adult dogs and cats. (Does NOT contain Eucalyptus Oil which is unsafe when taken by mouth or applied directly to the skin without first being diluted.) Cautioned for diabetic and hypoglycemic pets as may lower blood sugar. Discontinue use at least 2 weeks prior to surgery.

Dog and cats up to 12 pounds: 2.5 ml, 2 times daily.
Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 2.5 ml, 2 times daily.Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 5 ml, 2 times daily.Dogs and cats 51-75 pounds: 7.5 ml, 2 times daily.Serving cup attached with measurements listed.
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Out of Stock
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - DOG 90 Caps - 500 mg.
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - DOG 90 Caps - 500 mg. ('NOSEEDOG90)


LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES is a Master Blend of herbals and marine extracts formulated to help support normal eye function and vision health in dogs and cats and is used in a traditional herbal medical system to help support the proper maintenance of ocular strength and delicate tissues of the cornea, retina and macula.

LONG TIME NO SEE* contains adaptogen super foods, fruits and herbs, which have been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as some of the most important antioxidants plants for all mammals.

Adaptogens are highly specialized plants and marine extracts which carry out what we call the "3 R Function" or "Read, Repair and Restore." Adaptogens first may help read or identify stress and dysfunction in the body; next they may help repair nutritionally and phytochemically and lastly, may help restore balance in body systems, also known as homeostasis.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES contains a diverse array of nutritional and phytochemical supports, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E, flavonoids, polyphenols terpenes, triterpenes,proanthocyanidins, taspine lignans, a variety of fatty acids, selenium, calcium, protein, thiamin, including beta-carotene and lycopene carotenoids plus naturally occurring antioxidant carotenoids including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin) ; silica, tannins, esters, resveratrol, quercetin, sterols, polysaccharides, chlorophyll, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), plus the amino acids serine, valine and leucine; co-factor enzymes, alpha-pinene and d-limonene.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES also containnaturally occurring MSM, glucosamine and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids,which have been studied for their role in lubricating blood vessels and cell membranes to the eyes, plus have remarkable potential collagen production capabilities related to proteoglycan andglycosaminoglycan content, which may help directly affect all connective and structural tissues in the body related to eye, blood vessel integrity and function, myelin sheath, plus bone mass, bone strength, cartilage and muscle health.

Specific vitamins (like vitamins A, C and E), primary carotenoids such as dietarybeta-carotene, lutein and lycopene and antioxidantcarotenoids such as astaxanthin and zeaxanthin all play a vital role in maintaining eye health and are used holistically as potential disease fighting antioxidants, with specific roles to help feed and nourish the retina. macula and cornea, may help reduce interocular pressure, may help maintain proper lubrication in eye tissues, may help support smooth muscle function, and may help support tear film balance in the eyes.

A simple introduction to naturally occurring mixed carotenoid values in supporting ocular health.

Lutein may help support blue light absorption by the eyes and may help fight against free radicals and cellular oxidative damage to the eye tissues.

Astaxanthin may help provide nutritional support for eye health which are commonly lacking in modern diets. Normally our dogs and cats would obtain these types of critical tissues from prey they eat in the wild.

With most pets eating some form of kibble, LONG TIME NO SEE* may help supply vital sources of naturally occurring connective tissue and premium nutrition missing in our pet's modern diets that simply cannot be replicated in synthesized foods.

Zeaxanthinis an antioxidant carotenoid found in your pet's retina, which helps support essential eye tissues, including the lens and macula. It is used by holistic veterinarians in traditional medical systems to help address the conditional needs of cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration in dogs and cats.

Myelin sheath is critically important not only to help support the strength and health of the eyes, but to help regulateblood vessels and cells that help feed the cornea, macula and retina, as well as the balance between rod and cone presence in eye tissues, but may alsohelp potentially counteract excessive pro-inflammatory agents, including ctyokines,prostaglandins and leukotreines, which causefree radical and oxidative damage to eye tissue, and are generally the major drivers for macular degeneration.

The role of adapatogen immune regulation is foundational to eye health and the success in controlling proper inflammatory response in the body as adaptogens may help soothe an over stimulated immune system or may help up regulate an under performing immune response - as needed. Now that is plant intelligence!

Protecting myelin sheath health is vital in cases of vision decline and overall eye health. Once myelin sheath is damaged, it is generally understood that no real corrective interventions, short of surgery, are available because very few plant resources have a direct impact on myelin sheath regeneration.

However, LONG TIME NO SEE* contains a diverse variety of plants that may help exert alterative adaptogen actions against excess cortisol production and undue eye pressure which generally causes damage to the optic nerve, resulting in glaucoma and varying forms of vision loss. LONG TIME NO SEE* also contains layers of vulnerary or wound healing actions, that in the event of injury or defect to eye tissue or health, may help run an interference against the pro-inflammatory agents that would normally accelerate vision decline. If unchecked, glaucoma can progress to acute vision loss, including blindness.

Myelin sheath not only supports vision health but originates in theCentral Nervous System, which nourishes the communication pathway from the brain to the eyes, but also supports neurotransmitters which are tasked with sending and receiving messages from the brain to all other parts of the body, meaning vision decline has profound actions beyond quality in sight.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES may help assist in limiting neural inflammation that leads to ocular decline related to excessive inflammation to eye tissue and may potentially help stimulate cells tasked with creating myelin sheath or repairing myelin sheath due to injury, trauma or defects commonly associated with GAG (glycosaminoglycan) production.

Similarly, it has been documented with potentially helping to stimulate supportive connective tissue and structural formations in the body, and may have a significant antioxidant role in potentially limiting other drivers which attack and destroy delicate eye tissues, like excess adrenalin and cortisol (naturally occurring steroidal hormones), elevated blood pressure, endotoxins and other stress hormones. Elevated adrenalin and cortisol from stress and high blood pressure are particularly dangerous as it interrupts proper metabolic function related to waste removal throughout the body. When metabolics are interrupted, it launches free radicals that immediately attack the macula portion of the eyes.

One key ingredient is Camu Camu, which is a premium antioxidant,super food, water soluble and fat soluble super berry plus super vitamin and super mineral nutrient adaptogen, which may help your pet's body with a variety of critical functions, includingto potentially help stimulate collagen production and may help build myelin sheath, due to its strongly antioxidant proanthocyanins, flavonoid and glycosaminoglycan (GAG's) content,which may be instrumental in helping build and potentially repair myelin sheath found in connective eye tissues.

Camu Camu contains building actions related to all 5 types of collagen production, including the following types of collagen specific to vision health:

Type III: Related to the tiny fibers that comprise organs, skin, blood vessels and heart tissues; may help provide tensile elasticity to skin and tissues. A deficiency of Type II collages has been attributed with vision decline and cardiovascular conditions.

Type V: Comprises the many tiny fibers of collagen itself, found in eye tissue, hair follicles, cell surfaces and placenta tissues.

Type X: Collagen involved in direct formation of bones and articular cartilage and connective tissues. May be important in helping repair synovial fluid transference to the eye and joint tissues, especially when defect or damage has occurred.

LONG TIME NO SEE* is also used traditionally to help address eye trauma and injuries, conjunctivitis, dry eye, eye strain and distorted vision. Further, it gives us interesting insight into how interconnected the body systems are as steroidal hormones and synovial fluid from the brain directly feed eye health, and from there, communicate throughout the body to all body systems such as the cardiovascular, digestive, immune and urogenital systems to help maintain balance. A defect in proper stress response of synovial fluid transference through the body can, over time, lead to a decline in eye health, but also, reduce wellness in other body systems.

INGREDIENTS: Includes a proprietary herbal blend which includes Camu Camu and Horsetail.


Do not give to pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.


None specifically reported. May interact with diuretic, cardiovascular, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, cholinergic and blood pressure lowering medications.


Cautioned for use with diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs and pets diagnosed with hyperkalemia (rare) and hypoglycemia as It might raise blood sugar levels and may potentiate medications used to treat hypertension


Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily. Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - DOG 150 Caps - 500 mg.
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - DOG 150 Caps - 500 mg. ('NOSEEDOG150)


LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES is a Master Blend of herbals and marine extracts formulated to help support normal eye function and vision health in dogs and cats and is used in a traditional herbal medical system to help support the proper maintenance of ocular strength and delicate tissues of the cornea, retina and macula.

LONG TIME NO SEE* contains adaptogen super foods, fruits and herbs, which have been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as some of the most important antioxidants plants for all mammals.

Adaptogens are highly specialized plants and marine extracts which carry out what we call the "3 R Function" or "Read, Repair and Restore." Adaptogens first may help read or identify stress and dysfunction in the body; next they may help repair nutritionally and phytochemically and lastly, may help restore balance in body systems, also known as homeostasis.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES contains a diverse array of nutritional and phytochemical supports, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E, flavonoids, polyphenols terpenes, triterpenes,proanthocyanidins, taspine lignans, a variety of fatty acids, selenium, calcium, protein, thiamin, including beta-carotene and lycopene carotenoids plus naturally occurring antioxidant carotenoids including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin) ; silica, tannins, esters, resveratrol, quercetin, sterols, polysaccharides, chlorophyll, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), plus the amino acids serine, valine and leucine; co-factor enzymes, alpha-pinene and d-limonene.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES also containnaturally occurring MSM, glucosamine and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids,which have been studied for their role in lubricating blood vessels and cell membranes to the eyes, plus have remarkable potential collagen production capabilities related to proteoglycan andglycosaminoglycan content, which may help directly affect all connective and structural tissues in the body related to eye, blood vessel integrity and function, myelin sheath, plus bone mass, bone strength, cartilage and muscle health.

Specific vitamins (like vitamins A, C and E), primary carotenoids such as dietarybeta-carotene, lutein and lycopene and antioxidantcarotenoids such as astaxanthin and zeaxanthin all play a vital role in maintaining eye health and are used holistically as potential disease fighting antioxidants, with specific roles to help feed and nourish the retina. macula and cornea, may help reduce interocular pressure, may help maintain proper lubrication in eye tissues, may help support smooth muscle function, and may help support tear film balance in the eyes.

A simple introduction to naturally occurring mixed carotenoid values in supporting ocular health.

Lutein may help support blue light absorption by the eyes and may help fight against free radicals and cellular oxidative damage to the eye tissues.

Astaxanthin may help provide nutritional support for eye health which are commonly lacking in modern diets. Normally our dogs and cats would obtain these types of critical tissues from prey they eat in the wild.

With most pets eating some form of kibble, LONG TIME NO SEE* may help supply vital sources of naturally occurring connective tissue and premium nutrition missing in our pet's modern diets that simply cannot be replicated in synthesized foods.

Zeaxanthinis an antioxidant carotenoid found in your pet's retina, which helps support essential eye tissues, including the lens and macula. It is used by holistic veterinarians in traditional medical systems to help address the conditional needs of cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration in dogs and cats.

Myelin sheath is critically important not only to help support the strength and health of the eyes, but to help regulateblood vessels and cells that help feed the cornea, macula and retina, as well as the balance between rod and cone presence in eye tissues, but may alsohelp potentially counteract excessive pro-inflammatory agents, including ctyokines,prostaglandins and leukotreines, which causefree radical and oxidative damage to eye tissue, and are generally the major drivers for macular degeneration.

The role of adapatogen immune regulation is foundational to eye health and the success in controlling proper inflammatory response in the body as adaptogens may help soothe an over stimulated immune system or may help up regulate an under performing immune response - as needed. Now that is plant intelligence!

Protecting myelin sheath health is vital in cases of vision decline and overall eye health. Once myelin sheath is damaged, it is generally understood that no real corrective interventions, short of surgery, are available because very few plant resources have a direct impact on myelin sheath regeneration.

However, LONG TIME NO SEE* contains a diverse variety of plants that may help exert alterative adaptogen actions against excess cortisol production and undue eye pressure which generally causes damage to the optic nerve, resulting in glaucoma and varying forms of vision loss. LONG TIME NO SEE* also contains layers of vulnerary or wound healing actions, that in the event of injury or defect to eye tissue or health, may help run an interference against the pro-inflammatory agents that would normally accelerate vision decline. If unchecked, glaucoma can progress to acute vision loss, including blindness.

Myelin sheath not only supports vision health but originates in theCentral Nervous System, which nourishes the communication pathway from the brain to the eyes, but also supports neurotransmitters which are tasked with sending and receiving messages from the brain to all other parts of the body, meaning vision decline has profound actions beyond quality in sight.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES may help assist in limiting neural inflammation that leads to ocular decline related to excessive inflammation to eye tissue and may potentially help stimulate cells tasked with creating myelin sheath or repairing myelin sheath due to injury, trauma or defects commonly associated with GAG (glycosaminoglycan) production.

Similarly, it has been documented with potentially helping to stimulate supportive connective tissue and structural formations in the body, and may have a significant antioxidant role in potentially limiting other drivers which attack and destroy delicate eye tissues, like excess adrenalin and cortisol (naturally occurring steroidal hormones), elevated blood pressure, endotoxins and other stress hormones. Elevated adrenalin and cortisol from stress and high blood pressure are particularly dangerous as it interrupts proper metabolic function related to waste removal throughout the body. When metabolics are interrupted, it launches free radicals that immediately attack the macula portion of the eyes.

One key ingredient is Camu Camu, which is a premium antioxidant,super food, water soluble and fat soluble super berry plus super vitamin and super mineral nutrient adaptogen, which may help your pet's body with a variety of critical functions, includingto potentially help stimulate collagen production and may help build myelin sheath, due to its strongly antioxidant proanthocyanins, flavonoid and glycosaminoglycan (GAG's) content,which may be instrumental in helping build and potentially repair myelin sheath found in connective eye tissues.

Camu Camu contains building actions related to all 5 types of collagen production, including the following types of collagen specific to vision health:

Type III: Related to the tiny fibers that comprise organs, skin, blood vessels and heart tissues; may help provide tensile elasticity to skin and tissues. A deficiency of Type II collages has been attributed with vision decline and cardiovascular conditions.

Type V: Comprises the many tiny fibers of collagen itself, found in eye tissue, hair follicles, cell surfaces and placenta tissues.

Type X: Collagen involved in direct formation of bones and articular cartilage and connective tissues. May be important in helping repair synovial fluid transference to the eye and joint tissues, especially when defect or damage has occurred.

LONG TIME NO SEE* is also used traditionally to help address eye trauma and injuries, conjunctivitis, dry eye, eye strain and distorted vision. Further, it gives us interesting insight into how interconnected the body systems are as steroidal hormones and synovial fluid from the brain directly feed eye health, and from there, communicate throughout the body to all body systems such as the cardiovascular, digestive, immune and urogenital systems to help maintain balance. A defect in proper stress response of synovial fluid transference through the body can, over time, lead to a decline in eye health, but also, reduce wellness in other body systems.

INGREDIENTS: Includes a proprietary herbal blend which includes Camu Camu and Horsetail.


Do not give to pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.


None specifically reported. May interact with diuretic, cardiovascular, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, cholinergic and blood pressure lowering medications.


Cautioned for use with diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs and pets diagnosed with hyperkalemia (rare) and hypoglycemia as It might raise blood sugar levels and may potentiate medications used to treat hypertension


Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily. Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - DOG 250 Caps - 500 mg.
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - DOG 250 Caps - 500 mg. ('NOSEEDOG250)


LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES is a Master Blend of herbals and marine extracts formulated to help support normal eye function and vision health in dogs and cats and is used in a traditional herbal medical system to help support the proper maintenance of ocular strength and delicate tissues of the cornea, retina and macula.

LONG TIME NO SEE* contains adaptogen super foods, fruits and herbs, which have been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as some of the most important antioxidants plants for all mammals.

Adaptogens are highly specialized plants and marine extracts which carry out what we call the "3 R Function" or "Read, Repair and Restore." Adaptogens first may help read or identify stress and dysfunction in the body; next they may help repair nutritionally and phytochemically and lastly, may help restore balance in body systems, also known as homeostasis.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES contains a diverse array of nutritional and phytochemical supports, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E, flavonoids, polyphenols terpenes, triterpenes,proanthocyanidins, taspine lignans, a variety of fatty acids, selenium, calcium, protein, thiamin, including beta-carotene and lycopene carotenoids plus naturally occurring antioxidant carotenoids including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin) ; silica, tannins, esters, resveratrol, quercetin, sterols, polysaccharides, chlorophyll, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), plus the amino acids serine, valine and leucine; co-factor enzymes, alpha-pinene and d-limonene.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES also containnaturally occurring MSM, glucosamine and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids,which have been studied for their role in lubricating blood vessels and cell membranes to the eyes, plus have remarkable potential collagen production capabilities related to proteoglycan andglycosaminoglycan content, which may help directly affect all connective and structural tissues in the body related to eye, blood vessel integrity and function, myelin sheath, plus bone mass, bone strength, cartilage and muscle health.

Specific vitamins (like vitamins A, C and E), primary carotenoids such as dietarybeta-carotene, lutein and lycopene and antioxidantcarotenoids such as astaxanthin and zeaxanthin all play a vital role in maintaining eye health and are used holistically as potential disease fighting antioxidants, with specific roles to help feed and nourish the retina. macula and cornea, may help reduce interocular pressure, may help maintain proper lubrication in eye tissues, may help support smooth muscle function, and may help support tear film balance in the eyes.

A simple introduction to naturally occurring mixed carotenoid values in supporting ocular health.

Lutein may help support blue light absorption by the eyes and may help fight against free radicals and cellular oxidative damage to the eye tissues.

Astaxanthin may help provide nutritional support for eye health which are commonly lacking in modern diets. Normally our dogs and cats would obtain these types of critical tissues from prey they eat in the wild.

With most pets eating some form of kibble, LONG TIME NO SEE* may help supply vital sources of naturally occurring connective tissue and premium nutrition missing in our pet's modern diets that simply cannot be replicated in synthesized foods.

Zeaxanthinis an antioxidant carotenoid found in your pet's retina, which helps support essential eye tissues, including the lens and macula. It is used by holistic veterinarians in traditional medical systems to help address the conditional needs of cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration in dogs and cats.

Myelin sheath is critically important not only to help support the strength and health of the eyes, but to help regulateblood vessels and cells that help feed the cornea, macula and retina, as well as the balance between rod and cone presence in eye tissues, but may alsohelp potentially counteract excessive pro-inflammatory agents, including ctyokines,prostaglandins and leukotreines, which causefree radical and oxidative damage to eye tissue, and are generally the major drivers for macular degeneration.

The role of adapatogen immune regulation is foundational to eye health and the success in controlling proper inflammatory response in the body as adaptogens may help soothe an over stimulated immune system or may help up regulate an under performing immune response - as needed. Now that is plant intelligence!

Protecting myelin sheath health is vital in cases of vision decline and overall eye health. Once myelin sheath is damaged, it is generally understood that no real corrective interventions, short of surgery, are available because very few plant resources have a direct impact on myelin sheath regeneration.

However, LONG TIME NO SEE* contains a diverse variety of plants that may help exert alterative adaptogen actions against excess cortisol production and undue eye pressure which generally causes damage to the optic nerve, resulting in glaucoma and varying forms of vision loss. LONG TIME NO SEE* also contains layers of vulnerary or wound healing actions, that in the event of injury or defect to eye tissue or health, may help run an interference against the pro-inflammatory agents that would normally accelerate vision decline. If unchecked, glaucoma can progress to acute vision loss, including blindness.

Myelin sheath not only supports vision health but originates in theCentral Nervous System, which nourishes the communication pathway from the brain to the eyes, but also supports neurotransmitters which are tasked with sending and receiving messages from the brain to all other parts of the body, meaning vision decline has profound actions beyond quality in sight.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES may help assist in limiting neural inflammation that leads to ocular decline related to excessive inflammation to eye tissue and may potentially help stimulate cells tasked with creating myelin sheath or repairing myelin sheath due to injury, trauma or defects commonly associated with GAG (glycosaminoglycan) production.

Similarly, it has been documented with potentially helping to stimulate supportive connective tissue and structural formations in the body, and may have a significant antioxidant role in potentially limiting other drivers which attack and destroy delicate eye tissues, like excess adrenalin and cortisol (naturally occurring steroidal hormones), elevated blood pressure, endotoxins and other stress hormones. Elevated adrenalin and cortisol from stress and high blood pressure are particularly dangerous as it interrupts proper metabolic function related to waste removal throughout the body. When metabolics are interrupted, it launches free radicals that immediately attack the macula portion of the eyes.

One key ingredient is Camu Camu, which is a premium antioxidant,super food, water soluble and fat soluble super berry plus super vitamin and super mineral nutrient adaptogen, which may help your pet's body with a variety of critical functions, includingto potentially help stimulate collagen production and may help build myelin sheath, due to its strongly antioxidant proanthocyanins, flavonoid and glycosaminoglycan (GAG's) content,which may be instrumental in helping build and potentially repair myelin sheath found in connective eye tissues.

Camu Camu contains building actions related to all 5 types of collagen production, including the following types of collagen specific to vision health:

Type III: Related to the tiny fibers that comprise organs, skin, blood vessels and heart tissues; may help provide tensile elasticity to skin and tissues. A deficiency of Type II collages has been attributed with vision decline and cardiovascular conditions.

Type V: Comprises the many tiny fibers of collagen itself, found in eye tissue, hair follicles, cell surfaces and placenta tissues.

Type X: Collagen involved in direct formation of bones and articular cartilage and connective tissues. May be important in helping repair synovial fluid transference to the eye and joint tissues, especially when defect or damage has occurred.

LONG TIME NO SEE* is also used traditionally to help address eye trauma and injuries, conjunctivitis, dry eye, eye strain and distorted vision. Further, it gives us interesting insight into how interconnected the body systems are as steroidal hormones and synovial fluid from the brain directly feed eye health, and from there, communicate throughout the body to all body systems such as the cardiovascular, digestive, immune and urogenital systems to help maintain balance. A defect in proper stress response of synovial fluid transference through the body can, over time, lead to a decline in eye health, but also, reduce wellness in other body systems.

INGREDIENTS: Includes a proprietary herbal blend which includes Camu Camu and Horsetail.


Do not give to pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.


None specifically reported. May interact with diuretic, cardiovascular, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, cholinergic and blood pressure lowering medications.


Cautioned for use with diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs and pets diagnosed with hyperkalemia (rare) and hypoglycemia as It might raise blood sugar levels and may potentiate medications used to treat hypertension


Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily. Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - CAT 90 Caps - 250 mg.
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - CAT 90 Caps - 250 mg. ('NOSEECAT90)


LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES is a Master Blend of herbals and marine extracts formulated to help support normal eye function and vision health in dogs and cats and is used in a traditional herbal medical system to help support the proper maintenance of ocular strength and delicate tissues of the cornea, retina and macula.

LONG TIME NO SEE* contains adaptogen super foods, fruits and herbs, which have been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as some of the most important antioxidants plants for all mammals.

Adaptogens are highly specialized plants and marine extracts which carry out what we call the "3 R Function" or "Read, Repair and Restore." Adaptogens first may help read or identify stress and dysfunction in the body; next they may help repair nutritionally and phytochemically and lastly, may help restore balance in body systems, also known as homeostasis.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES contains a diverse array of nutritional and phytochemical supports, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E, flavonoids, polyphenols terpenes, triterpenes,proanthocyanidins, taspine lignans, a variety of fatty acids, selenium, calcium, protein, thiamin, including beta-carotene and lycopene carotenoids plus naturally occurring antioxidant carotenoids including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin) ; silica, tannins, esters, resveratrol, quercetin, sterols, polysaccharides, chlorophyll, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), plus the amino acids serine, valine and leucine; co-factor enzymes, alpha-pinene and d-limonene.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES also containnaturally occurring MSM, glucosamine and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids,which have been studied for their role in lubricating blood vessels and cell membranes to the eyes, plus have remarkable potential collagen production capabilities related to proteoglycan andglycosaminoglycan content, which may help directly affect all connective and structural tissues in the body related to eye, blood vessel integrity and function, myelin sheath, plus bone mass, bone strength, cartilage and muscle health.

Specific vitamins (like vitamins A, C and E), primary carotenoids such as dietarybeta-carotene, lutein and lycopene and antioxidantcarotenoids such as astaxanthin and zeaxanthin all play a vital role in maintaining eye health and are used holistically as potential disease fighting antioxidants, with specific roles to help feed and nourish the retina. macula and cornea, may help reduce interocular pressure, may help maintain proper lubrication in eye tissues, may help support smooth muscle function, and may help support tear film balance in the eyes.

A simple introduction to naturally occurring mixed carotenoid values in supporting ocular health.

Lutein may help support blue light absorption by the eyes and may help fight against free radicals and cellular oxidative damage to the eye tissues.

Astaxanthin may help provide nutritional support for eye health which are commonly lacking in modern diets. Normally our dogs and cats would obtain these types of critical tissues from prey they eat in the wild.

With most pets eating some form of kibble, LONG TIME NO SEE* may help supply vital sources of naturally occurring connective tissue and premium nutrition missing in our pet's modern diets that simply cannot be replicated in synthesized foods.

Zeaxanthinis an antioxidant carotenoid found in your pet's retina, which helps support essential eye tissues, including the lens and macula. It is used by holistic veterinarians in traditional medical systems to help address the conditional needs of cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration in dogs and cats.

Myelin sheath is critically important not only to help support the strength and health of the eyes, but to help regulateblood vessels and cells that help feed the cornea, macula and retina, as well as the balance between rod and cone presence in eye tissues, but may alsohelp potentially counteract excessive pro-inflammatory agents, including ctyokines,prostaglandins and leukotreines, which causefree radical and oxidative damage to eye tissue, and are generally the major drivers for macular degeneration.

The role of adapatogen immune regulation is foundational to eye health and the success in controlling proper inflammatory response in the body as adaptogens may help soothe an over stimulated immune system or may help up regulate an under performing immune response - as needed. Now that is plant intelligence!

Protecting myelin sheath health is vital in cases of vision decline and overall eye health. Once myelin sheath is damaged, it is generally understood that no real corrective interventions, short of surgery, are available because very few plant resources have a direct impact on myelin sheath regeneration.

However, LONG TIME NO SEE* contains a diverse variety of plants that may help exert alterative adaptogen actions against excess cortisol production and undue eye pressure which generally causes damage to the optic nerve, resulting in glaucoma and varying forms of vision loss. LONG TIME NO SEE* also contains layers of vulnerary or wound healing actions, that in the event of injury or defect to eye tissue or health, may help run an interference against the pro-inflammatory agents that would normally accelerate vision decline. If unchecked, glaucoma can progress to acute vision loss, including blindness.

Myelin sheath not only supports vision health but originates in theCentral Nervous System, which nourishes the communication pathway from the brain to the eyes, but also supports neurotransmitters which are tasked with sending and receiving messages from the brain to all other parts of the body, meaning vision decline has profound actions beyond quality in sight.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES may help assist in limiting neural inflammation that leads to ocular decline related to excessive inflammation to eye tissue and may potentially help stimulate cells tasked with creating myelin sheath or repairing myelin sheath due to injury, trauma or defects commonly associated with GAG (glycosaminoglycan) production.

Similarly, it has been documented with potentially helping to stimulate supportive connective tissue and structural formations in the body, and may have a significant antioxidant role in potentially limiting other drivers which attack and destroy delicate eye tissues, like excess adrenalin and cortisol (naturally occurring steroidal hormones), elevated blood pressure, endotoxins and other stress hormones. Elevated adrenalin and cortisol from stress and high blood pressure are particularly dangerous as it interrupts proper metabolic function related to waste removal throughout the body. When metabolics are interrupted, it launches free radicals that immediately attack the macula portion of the eyes.

One key ingredient is Camu Camu, which is a premium antioxidant,super food, water soluble and fat soluble super berry plus super vitamin and super mineral nutrient adaptogen, which may help your pet's body with a variety of critical functions, includingto potentially help stimulate collagen production and may help build myelin sheath, due to its strongly antioxidant proanthocyanins, flavonoid and glycosaminoglycan (GAG's) content,which may be instrumental in helping build and potentially repair myelin sheath found in connective eye tissues.

Camu Camu contains building actions related to all 5 types of collagen production, including the following types of collagen specific to vision health:

Type III: Related to the tiny fibers that comprise organs, skin, blood vessels and heart tissues; may help provide tensile elasticity to skin and tissues. A deficiency of Type II collages has been attributed with vision decline and cardiovascular conditions.

Type V: Comprises the many tiny fibers of collagen itself, found in eye tissue, hair follicles, cell surfaces and placenta tissues.

Type X: Collagen involved in direct formation of bones and articular cartilage and connective tissues. May be important in helping repair synovial fluid transference to the eye and joint tissues, especially when defect or damage has occurred.

LONG TIME NO SEE* is also used traditionally to help address eye trauma and injuries, conjunctivitis, dry eye, eye strain and distorted vision. Further, it gives us interesting insight into how interconnected the body systems are as steroidal hormones and synovial fluid from the brain directly feed eye health, and from there, communicate throughout the body to all body systems such as the cardiovascular, digestive, immune and urogenital systems to help maintain balance. A defect in proper stress response of synovial fluid transference through the body can, over time, lead to a decline in eye health, but also, reduce wellness in other body systems.

INGREDIENTS: Includes a proprietary herbal blend which includes Camu Camu and Horsetail.


Do not give to pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.


None specifically reported. May interact with diuretic, cardiovascular, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, cholinergic and blood pressure lowering medications.


Cautioned for use with diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs and pets diagnosed with hyperkalemia (rare) and hypoglycemia as It might raise blood sugar levels and may potentiate medications used to treat hypertension


Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily. Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - CAT 150 Caps - 250 mg.
Long Time No See Max* Capsules - Vision & Ocular Health Support In Dogs And Cats* - CAT 150 Caps - 250 mg. ('NOSEECAT150)


LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES is a Master Blend of herbals and marine extracts formulated to help support normal eye function and vision health in dogs and cats and is used in a traditional herbal medical system to help support the proper maintenance of ocular strength and delicate tissues of the cornea, retina and macula.

LONG TIME NO SEE* contains adaptogen super foods, fruits and herbs, which have been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as some of the most important antioxidants plants for all mammals.

Adaptogens are highly specialized plants and marine extracts which carry out what we call the "3 R Function" or "Read, Repair and Restore." Adaptogens first may help read or identify stress and dysfunction in the body; next they may help repair nutritionally and phytochemically and lastly, may help restore balance in body systems, also known as homeostasis.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES contains a diverse array of nutritional and phytochemical supports, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, and E, flavonoids, polyphenols terpenes, triterpenes,proanthocyanidins, taspine lignans, a variety of fatty acids, selenium, calcium, protein, thiamin, including beta-carotene and lycopene carotenoids plus naturally occurring antioxidant carotenoids including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin) ; silica, tannins, esters, resveratrol, quercetin, sterols, polysaccharides, chlorophyll, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), plus the amino acids serine, valine and leucine; co-factor enzymes, alpha-pinene and d-limonene.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES also containnaturally occurring MSM, glucosamine and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids,which have been studied for their role in lubricating blood vessels and cell membranes to the eyes, plus have remarkable potential collagen production capabilities related to proteoglycan andglycosaminoglycan content, which may help directly affect all connective and structural tissues in the body related to eye, blood vessel integrity and function, myelin sheath, plus bone mass, bone strength, cartilage and muscle health.

Specific vitamins (like vitamins A, C and E), primary carotenoids such as dietarybeta-carotene, lutein and lycopene and antioxidantcarotenoids such as astaxanthin and zeaxanthin all play a vital role in maintaining eye health and are used holistically as potential disease fighting antioxidants, with specific roles to help feed and nourish the retina. macula and cornea, may help reduce interocular pressure, may help maintain proper lubrication in eye tissues, may help support smooth muscle function, and may help support tear film balance in the eyes.

A simple introduction to naturally occurring mixed carotenoid values in supporting ocular health.

Lutein may help support blue light absorption by the eyes and may help fight against free radicals and cellular oxidative damage to the eye tissues.

Astaxanthin may help provide nutritional support for eye health which are commonly lacking in modern diets. Normally our dogs and cats would obtain these types of critical tissues from prey they eat in the wild.

With most pets eating some form of kibble, LONG TIME NO SEE* may help supply vital sources of naturally occurring connective tissue and premium nutrition missing in our pet's modern diets that simply cannot be replicated in synthesized foods.

Zeaxanthinis an antioxidant carotenoid found in your pet's retina, which helps support essential eye tissues, including the lens and macula. It is used by holistic veterinarians in traditional medical systems to help address the conditional needs of cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration in dogs and cats.

Myelin sheath is critically important not only to help support the strength and health of the eyes, but to help regulateblood vessels and cells that help feed the cornea, macula and retina, as well as the balance between rod and cone presence in eye tissues, but may alsohelp potentially counteract excessive pro-inflammatory agents, including ctyokines,prostaglandins and leukotreines, which causefree radical and oxidative damage to eye tissue, and are generally the major drivers for macular degeneration.

The role of adapatogen immune regulation is foundational to eye health and the success in controlling proper inflammatory response in the body as adaptogens may help soothe an over stimulated immune system or may help up regulate an under performing immune response - as needed. Now that is plant intelligence!

Protecting myelin sheath health is vital in cases of vision decline and overall eye health. Once myelin sheath is damaged, it is generally understood that no real corrective interventions, short of surgery, are available because very few plant resources have a direct impact on myelin sheath regeneration.

However, LONG TIME NO SEE* contains a diverse variety of plants that may help exert alterative adaptogen actions against excess cortisol production and undue eye pressure which generally causes damage to the optic nerve, resulting in glaucoma and varying forms of vision loss. LONG TIME NO SEE* also contains layers of vulnerary or wound healing actions, that in the event of injury or defect to eye tissue or health, may help run an interference against the pro-inflammatory agents that would normally accelerate vision decline. If unchecked, glaucoma can progress to acute vision loss, including blindness.

Myelin sheath not only supports vision health but originates in theCentral Nervous System, which nourishes the communication pathway from the brain to the eyes, but also supports neurotransmitters which are tasked with sending and receiving messages from the brain to all other parts of the body, meaning vision decline has profound actions beyond quality in sight.

LONG TIME NO SEE* CAPSULES may help assist in limiting neural inflammation that leads to ocular decline related to excessive inflammation to eye tissue and may potentially help stimulate cells tasked with creating myelin sheath or repairing myelin sheath due to injury, trauma or defects commonly associated with GAG (glycosaminoglycan) production.

Similarly, it has been documented with potentially helping to stimulate supportive connective tissue and structural formations in the body, and may have a significant antioxidant role in potentially limiting other drivers which attack and destroy delicate eye tissues, like excess adrenalin and cortisol (naturally occurring steroidal hormones), elevated blood pressure, endotoxins and other stress hormones. Elevated adrenalin and cortisol from stress and high blood pressure are particularly dangerous as it interrupts proper metabolic function related to waste removal throughout the body. When metabolics are interrupted, it launches free radicals that immediately attack the macula portion of the eyes.

One key ingredient is Camu Camu, which is a premium antioxidant,super food, water soluble and fat soluble super berry plus super vitamin and super mineral nutrient adaptogen, which may help your pet's body with a variety of critical functions, includingto potentially help stimulate collagen production and may help build myelin sheath, due to its strongly antioxidant proanthocyanins, flavonoid and glycosaminoglycan (GAG's) content,which may be instrumental in helping build and potentially repair myelin sheath found in connective eye tissues.

Camu Camu contains building actions related to all 5 types of collagen production, including the following types of collagen specific to vision health:

Type III: Related to the tiny fibers that comprise organs, skin, blood vessels and heart tissues; may help provide tensile elasticity to skin and tissues. A deficiency of Type II collages has been attributed with vision decline and cardiovascular conditions.

Type V: Comprises the many tiny fibers of collagen itself, found in eye tissue, hair follicles, cell surfaces and placenta tissues.

Type X: Collagen involved in direct formation of bones and articular cartilage and connective tissues. May be important in helping repair synovial fluid transference to the eye and joint tissues, especially when defect or damage has occurred.

LONG TIME NO SEE* is also used traditionally to help address eye trauma and injuries, conjunctivitis, dry eye, eye strain and distorted vision. Further, it gives us interesting insight into how interconnected the body systems are as steroidal hormones and synovial fluid from the brain directly feed eye health, and from there, communicate throughout the body to all body systems such as the cardiovascular, digestive, immune and urogenital systems to help maintain balance. A defect in proper stress response of synovial fluid transference through the body can, over time, lead to a decline in eye health, but also, reduce wellness in other body systems.

INGREDIENTS: Includes a proprietary herbal blend which includes Camu Camu and Horsetail.


Do not give to pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.


None specifically reported. May interact with diuretic, cardiovascular, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, cholinergic and blood pressure lowering medications.


Cautioned for use with diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs and pets diagnosed with hyperkalemia (rare) and hypoglycemia as It might raise blood sugar levels and may potentiate medications used to treat hypertension


Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily. Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - DOG/ 90 Caps/ 500 mg
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - DOG/ 90 Caps/ 500 mg ('LOVELIVERDOG90)
Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder and Digestive Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER contains antioxidants, silymarin (milk thistle), flavonoids such as luteolin and apigenin, enzymes and natural plant chemicals such as cynarin, c lang="EN">holine, carnitine and arginine, which may be used holistically to help support the conditional needs of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder; may help support systemic detoxification, purification and wellness support of the liver; which is especially important as our pets are exposed to tremendous toxic loads found in our food, water, homes and environment.

LOVE YOUR LIVER may also help to stimulate liver cell regeneration, which is critical when the liver or kidneys are under duress or in the beginning stages of liver failure. It also may help modulate high liver enzyme levels, as well as help promote healthy digestion due to its actions to support normal bile flow and fat digestion. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Did you know that systemic cleansing of the liver may help improve immune system function in your pet as well as remove chemicals and inorganic compounds from your pets body? LOVE YOUR LIVER is a liver tonic to help promote liver health; may act as a tonic for the lymphatic system; may help support healthy hemoglobin levels and may help promote vitality and whole body balance? You can think of it as giving your pet a liver "spring cleaning." Can you hear your pet saying "Sign me up now!"

Other holistic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVERmay include use to help promote proper digestion and may help address digestive disorders, including bloat; colitis; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); chronic diarrhea, gastritis and Crohn's disease; may help address liver and gall stones and gall bladder disease; used holistically as a liver cancer adjunctive and may help stimulate and maintain healthy insulin and bile production. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER may be used adjunctively to help detoxify your pet after chemotherapy and heart worm medications; may help clarify your dog or cat's body after short or long-term use of antibiotics and steroid and for general systemic toxicity which is common in our dogs and cats today. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other therapeutic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVER may include use to provide kidney (renal) support; may help stimulate digestive juices; may help maintain normal blood sugar range; may help promote healthy metabolic function; may address anemia; may help encourage vitality and energy; may lower blood cholesterol; may reduce hypertension and for use in the early stages of late-onset diabetes in adult and senior dogs and cats. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended use

ALS, Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; general hepatic and digestive support; for pets with increased metabolic demand; for pets in need of additional hepatic support as indicated by ALT, alkaline phosphatase, bile acids studies, low BUN, liver histopathology, or ultrasound.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen formula that includes plants such as Artichoke.

Turkey flavored capsules. Capsule flavoring made in the USA from dried turkey protein powder and not digest.

International shipments receive unflavored powder and vegan capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).

For All Life Stages of dogs and cats; for dogs and cats requiring a nutritional boost to nourish skin and coat health; for dogs and cats with alopecia (hair loss) and skin and coat symptoms related to allergies, including scratching, itching and wounds; for pet shedding and seasonal coat loss.


None reported. Cautioned for pregnant and nursing pets. Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Drug Interactions

Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.


Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Suggested dosage:

Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily.

Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - DOG/ 150 Caps / 500 mg
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - DOG/ 150 Caps / 500 mg ('LOVELIVERDOG150)
Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder and Digestive Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER contains antioxidants, silymarin (milk thistle), flavonoids such as luteolin and apigenin, enzymes and natural plant chemicals such as cynarin, c lang="EN">holine, carnitine and arginine, which may be used holistically to help support the conditional needs of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder; may help support systemic detoxification, purification and wellness support of the liver; which is especially important as our pets are exposed to tremendous toxic loads found in our food, water, homes and environment.

LOVE YOUR LIVER may also help to stimulate liver cell regeneration, which is critical when the liver or kidneys are under duress or in the beginning stages of liver failure. It also may help modulate high liver enzyme levels, as well as help promote healthy digestion due to its actions to support normal bile flow and fat digestion. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Did you know that systemic cleansing of the liver may help improve immune system function in your pet as well as remove chemicals and inorganic compounds from your pets body? LOVE YOUR LIVER is a liver tonic to help promote liver health; may act as a tonic for the lymphatic system; may help support healthy hemoglobin levels and may help promote vitality and whole body balance? You can think of it as giving your pet a liver "spring cleaning." Can you hear your pet saying "Sign me up now!"

Other holistic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVERmay include use to help promote proper digestion and may help address digestive disorders, including bloat; colitis; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); chronic diarrhea, gastritis and Crohn's disease; may help address liver and gall stones and gall bladder disease; used holistically as a liver cancer adjunctive and may help stimulate and maintain healthy insulin and bile production. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER may be used adjunctively to help detoxify your pet after chemotherapy and heart worm medications; may help clarify your dog or cat's body after short or long-term use of antibiotics and steroid and for general systemic toxicity which is common in our dogs and cats today. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other therapeutic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVER may include use to provide kidney (renal) support; may help stimulate digestive juices; may help maintain normal blood sugar range; may help promote healthy metabolic function; may address anemia; may help encourage vitality and energy; may lower blood cholesterol; may reduce hypertension and for use in the early stages of late-onset diabetes in adult and senior dogs and cats. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended use

ALS, Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; general hepatic and digestive support; for pets with increased metabolic demand; for pets in need of additional hepatic support as indicated by ALT, alkaline phosphatase, bile acids studies, low BUN, liver histopathology, or ultrasound.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen formula that includes plants such as Artichoke.

Turkey flavored capsules. Capsule flavoring made in the USA from dried turkey protein powder and not digest.

International shipments receive unflavored powder and vegan capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).

For All Life Stages of dogs and cats; for dogs and cats requiring a nutritional boost to nourish skin and coat health; for dogs and cats with alopecia (hair loss) and skin and coat symptoms related to allergies, including scratching, itching and wounds; for pet shedding and seasonal coat loss.


None reported. Cautioned for pregnant and nursing pets. Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Drug Interactions

Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.


Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Suggested dosage:

Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily.

Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - DOG/ 250 Caps / 500 mg
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - DOG/ 250 Caps / 500 mg ('LOVELIVERDOG250)
Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder and Digestive Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER contains antioxidants, silymarin (milk thistle), flavonoids such as luteolin and apigenin, enzymes and natural plant chemicals such as cynarin, c lang="EN">holine, carnitine and arginine, which may be used holistically to help support the conditional needs of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder; may help support systemic detoxification, purification and wellness support of the liver; which is especially important as our pets are exposed to tremendous toxic loads found in our food, water, homes and environment.

LOVE YOUR LIVER may also help to stimulate liver cell regeneration, which is critical when the liver or kidneys are under duress or in the beginning stages of liver failure. It also may help modulate high liver enzyme levels, as well as help promote healthy digestion due to its actions to support normal bile flow and fat digestion. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Did you know that systemic cleansing of the liver may help improve immune system function in your pet as well as remove chemicals and inorganic compounds from your pets body? LOVE YOUR LIVER is a liver tonic to help promote liver health; may act as a tonic for the lymphatic system; may help support healthy hemoglobin levels and may help promote vitality and whole body balance? You can think of it as giving your pet a liver "spring cleaning." Can you hear your pet saying "Sign me up now!"

Other holistic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVERmay include use to help promote proper digestion and may help address digestive disorders, including bloat; colitis; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); chronic diarrhea, gastritis and Crohn's disease; may help address liver and gall stones and gall bladder disease; used holistically as a liver cancer adjunctive and may help stimulate and maintain healthy insulin and bile production. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER may be used adjunctively to help detoxify your pet after chemotherapy and heart worm medications; may help clarify your dog or cat's body after short or long-term use of antibiotics and steroid and for general systemic toxicity which is common in our dogs and cats today. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other therapeutic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVER may include use to provide kidney (renal) support; may help stimulate digestive juices; may help maintain normal blood sugar range; may help promote healthy metabolic function; may address anemia; may help encourage vitality and energy; may lower blood cholesterol; may reduce hypertension and for use in the early stages of late-onset diabetes in adult and senior dogs and cats. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended use

ALS, Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; general hepatic and digestive support; for pets with increased metabolic demand; for pets in need of additional hepatic support as indicated by ALT, alkaline phosphatase, bile acids studies, low BUN, liver histopathology, or ultrasound.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen formula that includes plants such as Artichoke.

Turkey flavored capsules. Capsule flavoring made in the USA from dried turkey protein powder and not digest.

International shipments receive unflavored powder and vegan capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).

For All Life Stages of dogs and cats; for dogs and cats requiring a nutritional boost to nourish skin and coat health; for dogs and cats with alopecia (hair loss) and skin and coat symptoms related to allergies, including scratching, itching and wounds; for pet shedding and seasonal coat loss.


None reported. Cautioned for pregnant and nursing pets. Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Drug Interactions

Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.


Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Suggested dosage:

Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily.

Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - CAT/ 90 caps / 250 mg.
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - CAT/ 90 caps / 250 mg. ('LOVELIVERCAT90)
Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder and Digestive Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER contains antioxidants, silymarin (milk thistle), flavonoids such as luteolin and apigenin, enzymes and natural plant chemicals such as cynarin, c lang="EN">holine, carnitine and arginine, which may be used holistically to help support the conditional needs of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder; may help support systemic detoxification, purification and wellness support of the liver; which is especially important as our pets are exposed to tremendous toxic loads found in our food, water, homes and environment.

LOVE YOUR LIVER may also help to stimulate liver cell regeneration, which is critical when the liver or kidneys are under duress or in the beginning stages of liver failure. It also may help modulate high liver enzyme levels, as well as help promote healthy digestion due to its actions to support normal bile flow and fat digestion. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Did you know that systemic cleansing of the liver may help improve immune system function in your pet as well as remove chemicals and inorganic compounds from your pets body? LOVE YOUR LIVER is a liver tonic to help promote liver health; may act as a tonic for the lymphatic system; may help support healthy hemoglobin levels and may help promote vitality and whole body balance? You can think of it as giving your pet a liver "spring cleaning." Can you hear your pet saying "Sign me up now!"

Other holistic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVERmay include use to help promote proper digestion and may help address digestive disorders, including bloat; colitis; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); chronic diarrhea, gastritis and Crohn's disease; may help address liver and gall stones and gall bladder disease; used holistically as a liver cancer adjunctive and may help stimulate and maintain healthy insulin and bile production. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER may be used adjunctively to help detoxify your pet after chemotherapy and heart worm medications; may help clarify your dog or cat's body after short or long-term use of antibiotics and steroid and for general systemic toxicity which is common in our dogs and cats today. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other therapeutic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVER may include use to provide kidney (renal) support; may help stimulate digestive juices; may help maintain normal blood sugar range; may help promote healthy metabolic function; may address anemia; may help encourage vitality and energy; may lower blood cholesterol; may reduce hypertension and for use in the early stages of late-onset diabetes in adult and senior dogs and cats. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended use

ALS, Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; general hepatic and digestive support; for pets with increased metabolic demand; for pets in need of additional hepatic support as indicated by ALT, alkaline phosphatase, bile acids studies, low BUN, liver histopathology, or ultrasound.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen formula that includes plants such as Artichoke.

Turkey flavored capsules. Capsule flavoring made in the USA from dried turkey protein powder and not digest.

International shipments receive unflavored powder and vegan capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).

For All Life Stages of dogs and cats; for dogs and cats requiring a nutritional boost to nourish skin and coat health; for dogs and cats with alopecia (hair loss) and skin and coat symptoms related to allergies, including scratching, itching and wounds; for pet shedding and seasonal coat loss.


None reported. Cautioned for pregnant and nursing pets. Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Drug Interactions

Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.


Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Suggested dosage:

Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily.

Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - CAT/ 150 caps / 250 mg.
Love Your Liver Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder & Digestive Support* - CAT/ 150 caps / 250 mg. ('LOVELIVERCAT150)
Liver, Kidney, Gall Bladder and Digestive Support* (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER contains antioxidants, silymarin (milk thistle), flavonoids such as luteolin and apigenin, enzymes and natural plant chemicals such as cynarin, c lang="EN">holine, carnitine and arginine, which may be used holistically to help support the conditional needs of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder; may help support systemic detoxification, purification and wellness support of the liver; which is especially important as our pets are exposed to tremendous toxic loads found in our food, water, homes and environment.

LOVE YOUR LIVER may also help to stimulate liver cell regeneration, which is critical when the liver or kidneys are under duress or in the beginning stages of liver failure. It also may help modulate high liver enzyme levels, as well as help promote healthy digestion due to its actions to support normal bile flow and fat digestion. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Did you know that systemic cleansing of the liver may help improve immune system function in your pet as well as remove chemicals and inorganic compounds from your pets body? LOVE YOUR LIVER is a liver tonic to help promote liver health; may act as a tonic for the lymphatic system; may help support healthy hemoglobin levels and may help promote vitality and whole body balance? You can think of it as giving your pet a liver "spring cleaning." Can you hear your pet saying "Sign me up now!"

Other holistic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVERmay include use to help promote proper digestion and may help address digestive disorders, including bloat; colitis; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); chronic diarrhea, gastritis and Crohn's disease; may help address liver and gall stones and gall bladder disease; used holistically as a liver cancer adjunctive and may help stimulate and maintain healthy insulin and bile production. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

LOVE YOUR LIVER may be used adjunctively to help detoxify your pet after chemotherapy and heart worm medications; may help clarify your dog or cat's body after short or long-term use of antibiotics and steroid and for general systemic toxicity which is common in our dogs and cats today. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Other therapeutic indications of LOVE YOUR LIVER may include use to provide kidney (renal) support; may help stimulate digestive juices; may help maintain normal blood sugar range; may help promote healthy metabolic function; may address anemia; may help encourage vitality and energy; may lower blood cholesterol; may reduce hypertension and for use in the early stages of late-onset diabetes in adult and senior dogs and cats. (* As recommended by holistic veterinarians for use under a traditional medical system)

Recommended use

ALS, Adult, Senior, Puppy, Kitten; general hepatic and digestive support; for pets with increased metabolic demand; for pets in need of additional hepatic support as indicated by ALT, alkaline phosphatase, bile acids studies, low BUN, liver histopathology, or ultrasound.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen formula that includes plants such as Artichoke.

Turkey flavored capsules. Capsule flavoring made in the USA from dried turkey protein powder and not digest.

International shipments receive unflavored powder and vegan capsules.

Our capsules are certified Kosher and Halal, and meet all requirements of European Pharmacopoeia (EP), and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).

For All Life Stages of dogs and cats; for dogs and cats requiring a nutritional boost to nourish skin and coat health; for dogs and cats with alopecia (hair loss) and skin and coat symptoms related to allergies, including scratching, itching and wounds; for pet shedding and seasonal coat loss.


None reported. Cautioned for pregnant and nursing pets. Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Drug Interactions

Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.


Documented to lower blood cholesterol and may potentiate the effects of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Suggested dosage:

Dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 capsule, one time daily.

Dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 capsule, two times daily.

Dogs and cats 26-50 pounds: 2 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 51-75 pounds: 3 capsules, two times daily.

Dogs 76+ pounds: 4 capsules, two times daily.

Thank you for shopping at
Lucuma Powder - Glycemic Glucose & Digestive Support*  Antioxidant Usda Organic Super Food & Fruit The Petz Kitchen - 2 Oz SHAKER
Lucuma Powder - Glycemic Glucose & Digestive Support* Antioxidant Usda Organic Super Food & Fruit The Petz Kitchen - 2 Oz SHAKER ('PETZLUCA2OZSHAKER)


LUCUMA is a fruit producing tree that is found plentifully and sustainably in the coastal lowland valleys and Andean highland valleys of Peru, growing between altitudes of 5000-10,000 feet. LUCUMAis an antioxidant super fruit, super food fruit and power (energy) food, it is commonly known in Peru as egg fruit due to its shape and unique texture.

Indigenous to Peru, LUCUMAis a highly prized ancient fruit, referred to as the Gold of the Incas? as it was once reserved solely for Peruvian royalty. As a native of Peru, LUCUMAhas been used for millennia, with use dating back to 200 AD.

LUCUMAhas a flavor akin to maple sugar and sweet potato mixed with pumpkin, with a consistency that can range from a dry paste to custard. Both water and fat soluble, LUCUMA powdercan be eaten raw, cooked or baked and added to all types of diets.

>Natural documented plant chemicals include

Antioxidant (beta carotene), fatty acids, (linoleic 39%, oleic 28%, palmitic 19%, stearic 9%, y-linolenic 3%, gamma linolenic acid, arachidic acids plus other trace novel fatty acids), glucose, fructose, sucrose, inositol, citric and succinic acid, vitamins and minerals, beta-carotene B3 (niacin) potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, carotenoids, protein, carbohydrates and fiber.

>The researched, documented, traditional medicinal uses for LUCUMAinclude

antioxidant, nutritive (as a nutritional super food and fruit), anti-diabetic, hypoglycemic (may help maintain glycemic level), antibiotic, anti microbial, anti inflammatory, anti-aging, vulnerary (wound healer), anti-mutagenic (cellular protector), hypotensive, cardio tonic, and ace inhibitor.

LUCUMAis used traditionally to help stabilize conditional needs related to blood sugar specific to glucose regulation and glycemic index, critical for diabetic dogs and cats but also necessary for system wide healthy body cellular function.

A report published in theJournal of Medicinal Food in 2009 suggests that consumption of LUCUMA fruit may aid in the management of diabetes and high blood pressure. Analyzing a number of preliminary findings on >LUCUMA health effects, the report's authors determined that antioxidants found in >LUCUMA may be of some benefit to people and pets with diabetic and high blood pressure conditions.

The same study referenced for potential heart benefits as LUCUMA is especially high in antioxdant polyphenols and carotenoids, two groups of antioxidants studied for their anti-inflammatory, potentially cancer-fighting and heart health benefits.

LUCUMAcontains a high level of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which may have a direct impact on stool quality and may be an important ingredient addition to help encourage healthy elimination for dogs and cats who struggle with constipation.

A potential digestive benefit of LUCUMA is that its soluble fiber content may help feed beneficial gut bacteria and the mcirobiome, due to its action to help produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA's i.e. acetate, propionate, butyrate) which are used at a cellular level in your gut, may help protect against inflammation and may help mediate conditional needs related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. to keep it healthy and balanced.

LUCUMA may have important therapeutic benefits for dogs and cats who have difficulty gaining or maintaining weight and is an excellent source of healthy, unrefined whole food carbohydrates, which may also help provide a senior or immune compromised pet with energy.

LUCUMAhas more calcium than milk and may help support healthy bones and proper nerve function, plus it contains plentiful beta-carotenene (an anti-carcinogen), zinc, iron, vitamin C, niacin (B3), fiber and 14 essential trace minerals, which are often missing in our pet's diets.

There's also some evidence that > LUCUMA nut oil may help speed up wound healing. In an animal-based study published in theJournal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2010, for instance, scientists determined that compounds found in > LUCUMA nut oil helped accelerate wound closure and promote regeneration of the skin.


None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Drug Interactions:

None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.


None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Direction for Use

Add powder to your dog or cat's meal daily.Best if added to canned wet food, home prepared meals and treats, raw, dehydrated or hybrid diets.

Pet's Weight Amount 1x Daily

Up to 24 lbs 1/8 tsp

25-50 lbs 1/2 tsp

51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp

76+ lbs 1 tsp

Use for at least 30 days to see initial results.

Thank you for shopping at
Out of Stock
Lucuma Powder - Glycemic Glucose & Digestive Support*  Antioxidant Usda Organic Super Food & Fruit The Petz Kitchen - 4 Oz
Lucuma Powder - Glycemic Glucose & Digestive Support* Antioxidant Usda Organic Super Food & Fruit The Petz Kitchen - 4 Oz ('THEPETZLUCU4OZ)


LUCUMA is a fruit producing tree that is found plentifully and sustainably in the coastal lowland valleys and Andean highland valleys of Peru, growing between altitudes of 5000-10,000 feet. LUCUMAis an antioxidant super fruit, super food fruit and power (energy) food, it is commonly known in Peru as egg fruit due to its shape and unique texture.

Indigenous to Peru, LUCUMAis a highly prized ancient fruit, referred to as the Gold of the Incas? as it was once reserved solely for Peruvian royalty. As a native of Peru, LUCUMAhas been used for millennia, with use dating back to 200 AD.

LUCUMAhas a flavor akin to maple sugar and sweet potato mixed with pumpkin, with a consistency that can range from a dry paste to custard. Both water and fat soluble, LUCUMA powdercan be eaten raw, cooked or baked and added to all types of diets.

>Natural documented plant chemicals include

Antioxidant (beta carotene), fatty acids, (linoleic 39%, oleic 28%, palmitic 19%, stearic 9%, y-linolenic 3%, gamma linolenic acid, arachidic acids plus other trace novel fatty acids), glucose, fructose, sucrose, inositol, citric and succinic acid, vitamins and minerals, beta-carotene B3 (niacin) potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, carotenoids, protein, carbohydrates and fiber.

>The researched, documented, traditional medicinal uses for LUCUMAinclude

antioxidant, nutritive (as a nutritional super food and fruit), anti-diabetic, hypoglycemic (may help maintain glycemic level), antibiotic, anti microbial, anti inflammatory, anti-aging, vulnerary (wound healer), anti-mutagenic (cellular protector), hypotensive, cardio tonic, and ace inhibitor.

LUCUMAis used traditionally to help stabilize conditional needs related to blood sugar specific to glucose regulation and glycemic index, critical for diabetic dogs and cats but also necessary for system wide healthy body cellular function.

A report published in theJournal of Medicinal Food in 2009 suggests that consumption of LUCUMA fruit may aid in the management of diabetes and high blood pressure. Analyzing a number of preliminary findings on >LUCUMA health effects, the report's authors determined that antioxidants found in >LUCUMA may be of some benefit to people and pets with diabetic and high blood pressure conditions.

The same study referenced for potential heart benefits as LUCUMA is especially high in antioxdant polyphenols and carotenoids, two groups of antioxidants studied for their anti-inflammatory, potentially cancer-fighting and heart health benefits.

LUCUMAcontains a high level of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which may have a direct impact on stool quality and may be an important ingredient addition to help encourage healthy elimination for dogs and cats who struggle with constipation.

A potential digestive benefit of LUCUMA is that its soluble fiber content may help feed beneficial gut bacteria and the mcirobiome, due to its action to help produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA's i.e. acetate, propionate, butyrate) which are used at a cellular level in your gut, may help protect against inflammation and may help mediate conditional needs related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. to keep it healthy and balanced.

LUCUMA may have important therapeutic benefits for dogs and cats who have difficulty gaining or maintaining weight and is an excellent source of healthy, unrefined whole food carbohydrates, which may also help provide a senior or immune compromised pet with energy.

LUCUMAhas more calcium than milk and may help support healthy bones and proper nerve function, plus it contains plentiful beta-carotenene (an anti-carcinogen), zinc, iron, vitamin C, niacin (B3), fiber and 14 essential trace minerals, which are often missing in our pet's diets.

There's also some evidence that > LUCUMA nut oil may help speed up wound healing. In an animal-based study published in theJournal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2010, for instance, scientists determined that compounds found in > LUCUMA nut oil helped accelerate wound closure and promote regeneration of the skin.


None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Drug Interactions:

None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.


None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Direction for Use

Add powder to your dog or cat's meal daily.Best if added to canned wet food, home prepared meals and treats, raw, dehydrated or hybrid diets.

Pet's Weight Amount 1x Daily

Up to 24 lbs 1/8 tsp

25-50 lbs 1/2 tsp

51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp

76+ lbs 1 tsp

Use for at least 30 days to see initial results.

Thank you for shopping at
Lucuma Powder - Glycemic Glucose & Digestive Support*  Antioxidant Usda Organic Super Food & Fruit The Petz Kitchen - 8 Oz
Lucuma Powder - Glycemic Glucose & Digestive Support* Antioxidant Usda Organic Super Food & Fruit The Petz Kitchen - 8 Oz ('THEPETZLUCU8OZ)


LUCUMA is a fruit producing tree that is found plentifully and sustainably in the coastal lowland valleys and Andean highland valleys of Peru, growing between altitudes of 5000-10,000 feet. LUCUMAis an antioxidant super fruit, super food fruit and power (energy) food, it is commonly known in Peru as egg fruit due to its shape and unique texture.

Indigenous to Peru, LUCUMAis a highly prized ancient fruit, referred to as the Gold of the Incas? as it was once reserved solely for Peruvian royalty. As a native of Peru, LUCUMAhas been used for millennia, with use dating back to 200 AD.

LUCUMAhas a flavor akin to maple sugar and sweet potato mixed with pumpkin, with a consistency that can range from a dry paste to custard. Both water and fat soluble, LUCUMA powdercan be eaten raw, cooked or baked and added to all types of diets.

>Natural documented plant chemicals include

Antioxidant (beta carotene), fatty acids, (linoleic 39%, oleic 28%, palmitic 19%, stearic 9%, y-linolenic 3%, gamma linolenic acid, arachidic acids plus other trace novel fatty acids), glucose, fructose, sucrose, inositol, citric and succinic acid, vitamins and minerals, beta-carotene B3 (niacin) potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, carotenoids, protein, carbohydrates and fiber.

>The researched, documented, traditional medicinal uses for LUCUMAinclude

antioxidant, nutritive (as a nutritional super food and fruit), anti-diabetic, hypoglycemic (may help maintain glycemic level), antibiotic, anti microbial, anti inflammatory, anti-aging, vulnerary (wound healer), anti-mutagenic (cellular protector), hypotensive, cardio tonic, and ace inhibitor.

LUCUMAis used traditionally to help stabilize conditional needs related to blood sugar specific to glucose regulation and glycemic index, critical for diabetic dogs and cats but also necessary for system wide healthy body cellular function.

A report published in theJournal of Medicinal Food in 2009 suggests that consumption of LUCUMA fruit may aid in the management of diabetes and high blood pressure. Analyzing a number of preliminary findings on >LUCUMA health effects, the report's authors determined that antioxidants found in >LUCUMA may be of some benefit to people and pets with diabetic and high blood pressure conditions.

The same study referenced for potential heart benefits as LUCUMA is especially high in antioxdant polyphenols and carotenoids, two groups of antioxidants studied for their anti-inflammatory, potentially cancer-fighting and heart health benefits.

LUCUMAcontains a high level of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which may have a direct impact on stool quality and may be an important ingredient addition to help encourage healthy elimination for dogs and cats who struggle with constipation.

A potential digestive benefit of LUCUMA is that its soluble fiber content may help feed beneficial gut bacteria and the mcirobiome, due to its action to help produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA's i.e. acetate, propionate, butyrate) which are used at a cellular level in your gut, may help protect against inflammation and may help mediate conditional needs related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. to keep it healthy and balanced.

LUCUMA may have important therapeutic benefits for dogs and cats who have difficulty gaining or maintaining weight and is an excellent source of healthy, unrefined whole food carbohydrates, which may also help provide a senior or immune compromised pet with energy.

LUCUMAhas more calcium than milk and may help support healthy bones and proper nerve function, plus it contains plentiful beta-carotenene (an anti-carcinogen), zinc, iron, vitamin C, niacin (B3), fiber and 14 essential trace minerals, which are often missing in our pet's diets.

There's also some evidence that > LUCUMA nut oil may help speed up wound healing. In an animal-based study published in theJournal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2010, for instance, scientists determined that compounds found in > LUCUMA nut oil helped accelerate wound closure and promote regeneration of the skin.


None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Drug Interactions:

None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.


None reported. Possibly contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Direction for Use

Add powder to your dog or cat's meal daily.Best if added to canned wet food, home prepared meals and treats, raw, dehydrated or hybrid diets.

Pet's Weight Amount 1x Daily

Up to 24 lbs 1/8 tsp

25-50 lbs 1/2 tsp

51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp

76+ lbs 1 tsp

Use for at least 30 days to see initial results.

Thank you for shopping at
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - DOG 90 Capsules 450 mg.
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - DOG 90 Capsules 450 mg. ('LUMPDOGCAPS90)
Lumps and Bumps Capsules for Dogs and Cats* IRREGULAR TISSUE SUPPORT*

As our pets age, they tend to get lumps and bumps like we do, and often for the same reasons. LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is a specialty formulated master blend of rain forest herbs that synergistically combine for antioxidant, free-radical scavenging and anti-mutagenic actions on irregular growths and masses commonly experienced by dogs and cats.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES* can be fed whole or sprinkled onto your adult and senior pet's food to help deliver premium nutritional value as well as may help provide a layer of protection against those pesky lumps and bumps that occur related to cysts, fatty sebaceous tumors, lipomas and irregular growths.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* contain vital adaptogens, plants, fruits, super foods, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics and other critical trace nutrients, used holistically to help promote balanced immune health, including to up regulate or down regulate immune health toward balance. Balanced immune health is the primary gate keeper against disease.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES may help address conditional needs of detoxification as an adjunctive for pets recovering from chemo or radio therapy. May help build your pet's natural defense system and may help provide important wound healing benefits through collagen production.

Annonaceous acetogenins plant content and natural plant chemical actions including anti-mutagenic (may help reduce cellular and DNA irregularities related to growths) and anti-angiogenic (may help interrupt blood vessel creation and blood vessel supply to growths and masses). Our whole food, organic, flavored capsules offer a convenient solution for pet-parents to add nutritional support to help encourage whole body cellular balance and to optimize feline and canine cellular health.

Adjunctive effects may potentially help slow energy to abnormal cells, which may be important in limiting the growth of blood vessels in or around growths and masses. Adaptogenc and anti-mutagenic plant effects may also nutritionally protect healthy cells responsible for healthy cell division and healthy cellular response across body systems, tissues and organs.

We have unlocked the nutritional power houses found within the biospheres of the Amazon, Andes and Humboldt Current, to combine nature and science in our unique, flavored capsules and powder to help balance vital nutrients, with a taste your dogs and cats will love.

Developed for dogs and cats of all life stages, LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is uniquely formulated to help optimize pet health based on conditional needs and achieve a balanced approach to nutrition, vitality and wellness.

Suggested Use:

For Adult and Senior Dogs and Cats.

Can be fed whole as a capsule or opened up and sprinkled onto wet or dry food.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Noni and Turmeric.

Turkey flavored capsules. Turkey (real turkey not digest or meal). Flavoring meets and exceeds AAFCO standards.

>Expect to use for several months for best results. It takes time for irregular tissues to form and likewise, it takes time to help break down irregular tissue and help reset cellular health. Best used for multiple irregular growths and a number of irregular growths.


Do not use if your pet is pregnant, nursing, is hypotensive, scheduled for surgery or following an organ transplant, using Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Strongly antimicrobial.

It is suggested to use filtered water to help detox your pet. To help break down irregular tissue, a natural anti-microbial action occurs in the body, and filtered water, along with a suggested pet friendly probiotic, may help keep your pet's stomach and stools healthier and happier throughout the process.

Drug Interactions:

Do not use with Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Likely interacts with diuretics.


Do not use for more than 90 days without a 5-7 day break UNLESS you feed a premium, holistic diet for your pet, which includes a pet friendly probiotic, as long-term use may lead to die-off of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract and create digestive upset. With use, supplement your pet's diet with probiotics for best results.

Suggested Dosing:

>For dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

For dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

For dogs 7 cats 26-50 pounds: 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

For dogs 50+ pounds: 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily

Thank you for shopping at
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - DOG 150 Capsules 450 mg
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - DOG 150 Capsules 450 mg ('LUMPSBUMPSDOG150)
Lumps and Bumps Capsules for Dogs and Cats* IRREGULAR TISSUE SUPPORT*

As our pets age, they tend to get lumps and bumps like we do, and often for the same reasons. LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is a specialty formulated master blend of rain forest herbs that synergistically combine for antioxidant, free-radical scavenging and anti-mutagenic actions on irregular growths and masses commonly experienced by dogs and cats.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES* can be fed whole or sprinkled onto your adult and senior pet's food to help deliver premium nutritional value as well as may help provide a layer of protection against those pesky lumps and bumps that occur related to cysts, fatty sebaceous tumors, lipomas and irregular growths.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* contain vital adaptogens, plants, fruits, super foods, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics and other critical trace nutrients, used holistically to help promote balanced immune health, including to up regulate or down regulate immune health toward balance. Balanced immune health is the primary gate keeper against disease.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES may help address conditional needs of detoxification as an adjunctive for pets recovering from chemo or radio therapy. May help build your pet's natural defense system and may help provide important wound healing benefits through collagen production.

Annonaceous acetogenins plant content and natural plant chemical actions including anti-mutagenic (may help reduce cellular and DNA irregularities related to growths) and anti-angiogenic (may help interrupt blood vessel creation and blood vessel supply to growths and masses). Our whole food, organic, flavored capsules offer a convenient solution for pet-parents to add nutritional support to help encourage whole body cellular balance and to optimize feline and canine cellular health.

Adjunctive effects may potentially help slow energy to abnormal cells, which may be important in limiting the growth of blood vessels in or around growths and masses. Adaptogenc and anti-mutagenic plant effects may also nutritionally protect healthy cells responsible for healthy cell division and healthy cellular response across body systems, tissues and organs.

We have unlocked the nutritional power houses found within the biospheres of the Amazon, Andes and Humboldt Current, to combine nature and science in our unique, flavored capsules and powder to help balance vital nutrients, with a taste your dogs and cats will love.

Developed for dogs and cats of all life stages, LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is uniquely formulated to help optimize pet health based on conditional needs and achieve a balanced approach to nutrition, vitality and wellness.

Suggested Use:

For Adult and Senior Dogs and Cats.

Can be fed whole as a capsule or opened up and sprinkled onto wet or dry food.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Noni and Turmeric.

Turkey flavored capsules. Turkey (real turkey not digest or meal). Flavoring meets and exceeds AAFCO standards.

>Expect to use for several months for best results. It takes time for irregular tissues to form and likewise, it takes time to help break down irregular tissue and help reset cellular health. Best used for multiple irregular growths and a number of irregular growths.


Do not use if your pet is pregnant, nursing, is hypotensive, scheduled for surgery or following an organ transplant, using Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Strongly antimicrobial.

It is suggested to use filtered water to help detox your pet. To help break down irregular tissue, a natural anti-microbial action occurs in the body, and filtered water, along with a suggested pet friendly probiotic, may help keep your pet's stomach and stools healthier and happier throughout the process.

Drug Interactions:

Do not use with Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Likely interacts with diuretics.


Do not use for more than 90 days without a 5-7 day break UNLESS you feed a premium, holistic diet for your pet, which includes a pet friendly probiotic, as long-term use may lead to die-off of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract and create digestive upset. With use, supplement your pet's diet with probiotics for best results.

Suggested Dosing:

>For dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

For dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

For dogs 7 cats 26-50 pounds: 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

For dogs 50+ pounds: 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily

Thank you for shopping at
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - 250 Caps DOG 450 mg
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - 250 Caps DOG 450 mg ('LUMPSBUMPS250)
Lumps and Bumps Capsules for Dogs and Cats* IRREGULAR TISSUE SUPPORT*

As our pets age, they tend to get lumps and bumps like we do, and often for the same reasons. LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is a specialty formulated master blend of rain forest herbs that synergistically combine for antioxidant, free-radical scavenging and anti-mutagenic actions on irregular growths and masses commonly experienced by dogs and cats.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES* can be fed whole or sprinkled onto your adult and senior pet's food to help deliver premium nutritional value as well as may help provide a layer of protection against those pesky lumps and bumps that occur related to cysts, fatty sebaceous tumors, lipomas and irregular growths.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* contain vital adaptogens, plants, fruits, super foods, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics and other critical trace nutrients, used holistically to help promote balanced immune health, including to up regulate or down regulate immune health toward balance. Balanced immune health is the primary gate keeper against disease.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES may help address conditional needs of detoxification as an adjunctive for pets recovering from chemo or radio therapy. May help build your pet's natural defense system and may help provide important wound healing benefits through collagen production.

Annonaceous acetogenins plant content and natural plant chemical actions including anti-mutagenic (may help reduce cellular and DNA irregularities related to growths) and anti-angiogenic (may help interrupt blood vessel creation and blood vessel supply to growths and masses). Our whole food, organic, flavored capsules offer a convenient solution for pet-parents to add nutritional support to help encourage whole body cellular balance and to optimize feline and canine cellular health.

Adjunctive effects may potentially help slow energy to abnormal cells, which may be important in limiting the growth of blood vessels in or around growths and masses. Adaptogenc and anti-mutagenic plant effects may also nutritionally protect healthy cells responsible for healthy cell division and healthy cellular response across body systems, tissues and organs.

We have unlocked the nutritional power houses found within the biospheres of the Amazon, Andes and Humboldt Current, to combine nature and science in our unique, flavored capsules and powder to help balance vital nutrients, with a taste your dogs and cats will love.

Developed for dogs and cats of all life stages, LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is uniquely formulated to help optimize pet health based on conditional needs and achieve a balanced approach to nutrition, vitality and wellness.

Suggested Use:

For Adult and Senior Dogs and Cats.

Can be fed whole as a capsule or opened up and sprinkled onto wet or dry food.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Noni and Turmeric.

Turkey flavored capsules. Turkey (real turkey not digest or meal). Flavoring meets and exceeds AAFCO standards.

>Expect to use for several months for best results. It takes time for irregular tissues to form and likewise, it takes time to help break down irregular tissue and help reset cellular health. Best used for multiple irregular growths and a number of irregular growths.


Do not use if your pet is pregnant, nursing, is hypotensive, scheduled for surgery or following an organ transplant, using Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Strongly antimicrobial.

It is suggested to use filtered water to help detox your pet. To help break down irregular tissue, a natural anti-microbial action occurs in the body, and filtered water, along with a suggested pet friendly probiotic, may help keep your pet's stomach and stools healthier and happier throughout the process.

Drug Interactions:

Do not use with Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Likely interacts with diuretics.


Do not use for more than 90 days without a 5-7 day break UNLESS you feed a premium, holistic diet for your pet, which includes a pet friendly probiotic, as long-term use may lead to die-off of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract and create digestive upset. With use, supplement your pet's diet with probiotics for best results.

Suggested Dosing:

>For dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

For dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

For dogs 7 cats 26-50 pounds: 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

For dogs 50+ pounds: 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily

Thank you for shopping at
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - CAT 90 Capsules 250 mg.
Lumps And Bumps Capsules - Irregular Tissue Support* For Dogs And Cats* - CAT 90 Capsules 250 mg. ('LUMPSCATCAPS90)
Lumps and Bumps Capsules for Dogs and Cats* IRREGULAR TISSUE SUPPORT*

As our pets age, they tend to get lumps and bumps like we do, and often for the same reasons. LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is a specialty formulated master blend of rain forest herbs that synergistically combine for antioxidant, free-radical scavenging and anti-mutagenic actions on irregular growths and masses commonly experienced by dogs and cats.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES* can be fed whole or sprinkled onto your adult and senior pet's food to help deliver premium nutritional value as well as may help provide a layer of protection against those pesky lumps and bumps that occur related to cysts, fatty sebaceous tumors, lipomas and irregular growths.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* contain vital adaptogens, plants, fruits, super foods, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics and other critical trace nutrients, used holistically to help promote balanced immune health, including to up regulate or down regulate immune health toward balance. Balanced immune health is the primary gate keeper against disease.

LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES may help address conditional needs of detoxification as an adjunctive for pets recovering from chemo or radio therapy. May help build your pet's natural defense system and may help provide important wound healing benefits through collagen production.

Annonaceous acetogenins plant content and natural plant chemical actions including anti-mutagenic (may help reduce cellular and DNA irregularities related to growths) and anti-angiogenic (may help interrupt blood vessel creation and blood vessel supply to growths and masses). Our whole food, organic, flavored capsules offer a convenient solution for pet-parents to add nutritional support to help encourage whole body cellular balance and to optimize feline and canine cellular health.

Adjunctive effects may potentially help slow energy to abnormal cells, which may be important in limiting the growth of blood vessels in or around growths and masses. Adaptogenc and anti-mutagenic plant effects may also nutritionally protect healthy cells responsible for healthy cell division and healthy cellular response across body systems, tissues and organs.

We have unlocked the nutritional power houses found within the biospheres of the Amazon, Andes and Humboldt Current, to combine nature and science in our unique, flavored capsules and powder to help balance vital nutrients, with a taste your dogs and cats will love.

Developed for dogs and cats of all life stages, LUMPS AND BUMPS CAPSULES for DOGS and CATS* is uniquely formulated to help optimize pet health based on conditional needs and achieve a balanced approach to nutrition, vitality and wellness.

Suggested Use:

For Adult and Senior Dogs and Cats.

Can be fed whole as a capsule or opened up and sprinkled onto wet or dry food.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Gelatin capsules. Contains a proprietary adaptogen blend that includes plants such as Noni and Turmeric.

Turkey flavored capsules. Turkey (real turkey not digest or meal). Flavoring meets and exceeds AAFCO standards.

>Expect to use for several months for best results. It takes time for irregular tissues to form and likewise, it takes time to help break down irregular tissue and help reset cellular health. Best used for multiple irregular growths and a number of irregular growths.


Do not use if your pet is pregnant, nursing, is hypotensive, scheduled for surgery or following an organ transplant, using Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Strongly antimicrobial.

It is suggested to use filtered water to help detox your pet. To help break down irregular tissue, a natural anti-microbial action occurs in the body, and filtered water, along with a suggested pet friendly probiotic, may help keep your pet's stomach and stools healthier and happier throughout the process.

Drug Interactions:

Do not use with Co-Q10 enzymes or MAOI inhibitors. Likely interacts with diuretics.


Do not use for more than 90 days without a 5-7 day break UNLESS you feed a premium, holistic diet for your pet, which includes a pet friendly probiotic, as long-term use may lead to die-off of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract and create digestive upset. With use, supplement your pet's diet with probiotics for best results.

Suggested Dosing:

>For dogs and cats up to 12 pounds: 1 Capsule, 1 Time daily

For dogs and cats 13-25 pounds: 1 Capsule, 2 Times daily

For dogs 7 cats 26-50 pounds: 2 Capsules, 2 Times daily

For dogs 50+ pounds: 3 Capsules, 2 Times daily

Thank you for shopping at
Manayupa Powder - Breath Support & Respiratory Support* The Petz Kitchen For Dogs & Cats* - 2 Oz. Nutritional Shaker
Manayupa Powder - Breath Support & Respiratory Support* The Petz Kitchen For Dogs & Cats* - 2 Oz. Nutritional Shaker ('TPKMANAYUPA2OZ)

MANAYUPA POWDER is a popular plant that grows plentifully throughout many Amazonian territories, producing beautiful purple flowers and green fruits that resemble small, bean like pods.

MANAYUPA POWDER is used similarly in all South American herbal, medical systems as a primary antispasmodic, bronchodilator and muscle relaxant to help address lung inflammation, and its use for conditional needs related to upper and lower respiratory bacterial and viral infections and disorders and cardiopulmonary distress is well documented, including asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic cough, excessive phlegm and mucous, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

MANAYUPA POWDER contains a natural plant chemical called v itexin, which functions as a plant based anti-allergenic and anti-mutagenic which may help provide unique cellular protective actions against at-risk lung tissues from oxidative stress and damage, as well as may help reduce lung inflammation and excessive mucous production. The plant chemical vitexin may also help modulate inflammations in the cells driven by an allergies or genetic respiratory diseases.

MANAYUPA POWDER plant actions may help interfere with naturally occurring chemicals in the animal body called spasmogens that trigger asthma and other breathing disorders. Once spasmogens are triggered, they can launch a sequence of actions that lead to several respiratory disorders.

First, spasmogens cause contractions in the lungs and interrupt proper smooth muscle function. Next, excess histamine triggers an allergenic response, followed by leukotrienes that cause bronchials to constrict and increase mucous production. If any of these actions occur disproportionately, it can lead to a life threatening reaction called anaphylactic shock.

As a primary bronchodilator, MANAYUPA POWDER contains the most potent plant based potassium maxi-K channel openers, most notably dehydrosoyasaponin I, that may help relax lung tissue and may help inhibit contractions in the lungs, as well as spasmogen contractions at multiple sites throughout the body.

Potassium m axi-K channels play an important role in regulating proper smooth muscle response in airway tissues as well as may help restrict the release of constrictive substances in the lungs, which may be instrumental in helping limit asthmatic and allergenic responses.

Another interesting potential benefit of vitexin is that it may help moderate pain and stress caused by constricted airways. Vitexin may help exert behaviorally-specific antinociception against stress and pain stimuli and may also help regulate GABA receptors in the brain, and may help limit excessive GABA stress response, potentially enabling an animal to remain calm and with less pain when suffering from allergenic or asthmatic onset.

As a powerful, potential analgesic (pain reliever), MANAYUPA POWDER is also used to help address symptoms of stomach and bowel cramping, muscle and joint aches and pains related to arthritis, injuries, and spasms, as a digestive aid and as a hepatoprotective liver tonic for fatty liver disease and liver injuries and pain.

MANAYUPA POWDER also has a role as an anti-mutagenic in potentially helping protect cellular health, and c ontains plant actions with may help interfere with an enzyme process required by bacteria and pathogens to replicate.

As a natural chelator, MANAYUPA POWDER may help detoxify the body from environmental toxins, may help cleanse the urinary tract, for vaginitis, cystitis and prostatitis, urinary inflammation and infection.

The adaptogen plant actions of MANAYUPA POWDER may help deliver immune modulating and anti-inflammatory relief for conditional needs of respiratory distress due to novel phytochemistry which may help selectively down regulate overactive immune cells, while up regulating under performing immune cells and excess inflammation, as needed.

MANAYUPA POWDER contains a variety of documented, nutritional and phytochemical natural plant values which include adaptogen flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides and chemicals known as D-pinitol and soyasaponins, including a novel soyasaponin called dehydrosoyasaponin 1, which are a highly active natural phytochemicals with studied therapeutic actions for asthma and allergies.

MANAYUPA POWDER also contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, fatty acids, sterols, oxidole alkaloids, Prebiotics and Probiotics, digestive enzymes, inulin, polyphenols, phenylpropanoids, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), quinovic acid, glycosides, carboxyl alkyl esters, tannins, catechins and procyanidins, selenium, calcium, thiamin, amino acids serine, valine and leucine; protein, mixed carotenoids (including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin); resveratrol, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), co-factor enzymes, terpenes alpha-pinene and d-limonene, novel D-pinitol, antioxidant glycosides including novel vitexin and isovitexin, Isovitexin (apigenin-6-C-glucoside), astragalin (anti-bacterial chemistry found in astragalus) and oligosaccharides,

Documented plant actions include analgesic, antioxidant, bronchodialator, anti-asthmatic, anti-anaphylactic, anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, cough suppressant, expectorant, anti-histamine, leukotriene inhibitor, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic (cell protecting), smooth muscle promoter, muscle relaxant, anti-convulsant, decongestant, potassium maxi-K channel inhibitor, anti-mutagenic, hepatoprotectve, immune modulatory, neuroprotective, liver tonic, antihemorrhagic, anti-venom, ACE-inhibitor (for high blood pressure), anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-Candidal, astringent, antimycobacterial, and in-vitro activity against disease causing pathogens such as Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, E. coli, and Neisseria gonorrhea, PAF (platelet-activating factor) inhibitor


Manayupa Powderr


Do not give to pregnant or nursing pets or pets using digitalis heart medications. May potentiate diabetic medications and blood sugar levels of diabetic animals should be monitored more closely.


May potentiate blood pressure, diabetic, heart and sedative drugs.r


M ay potentiate diabetic, hypoglycemic, cardiovascular (heart) and high blood pressure medications.


Add powder to your dog or cat's meal daily.Best if added to canned wet food, home prepared meals and treats, raw, dehydrated or hybrid diets.>


1-10 lbs 1/8 tsp11-25 lbs 1/4 tsp26-50 lbs 1/2 tsp51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp76+ lbs 1 tspUse for at least 30 days to see initial results.

Thank you for shopping at
Out of Stock
Manayupa Powder - Breath Support & Respiratory Support* The Petz Kitchen For Dogs & Cats* -  4 Oz. Bag
Manayupa Powder - Breath Support & Respiratory Support* The Petz Kitchen For Dogs & Cats* - 4 Oz. Bag ('TPKMANAYUPA4OZ)

MANAYUPA POWDER is a popular plant that grows plentifully throughout many Amazonian territories, producing beautiful purple flowers and green fruits that resemble small, bean like pods.

MANAYUPA POWDER is used similarly in all South American herbal, medical systems as a primary antispasmodic, bronchodilator and muscle relaxant to help address lung inflammation, and its use for conditional needs related to upper and lower respiratory bacterial and viral infections and disorders and cardiopulmonary distress is well documented, including asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic cough, excessive phlegm and mucous, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

MANAYUPA POWDER contains a natural plant chemical called v itexin, which functions as a plant based anti-allergenic and anti-mutagenic which may help provide unique cellular protective actions against at-risk lung tissues from oxidative stress and damage, as well as may help reduce lung inflammation and excessive mucous production. The plant chemical vitexin may also help modulate inflammations in the cells driven by an allergies or genetic respiratory diseases.

MANAYUPA POWDER plant actions may help interfere with naturally occurring chemicals in the animal body called spasmogens that trigger asthma and other breathing disorders. Once spasmogens are triggered, they can launch a sequence of actions that lead to several respiratory disorders.

First, spasmogens cause contractions in the lungs and interrupt proper smooth muscle function. Next, excess histamine triggers an allergenic response, followed by leukotrienes that cause bronchials to constrict and increase mucous production. If any of these actions occur disproportionately, it can lead to a life threatening reaction called anaphylactic shock.

As a primary bronchodilator, MANAYUPA POWDER contains the most potent plant based potassium maxi-K channel openers, most notably dehydrosoyasaponin I, that may help relax lung tissue and may help inhibit contractions in the lungs, as well as spasmogen contractions at multiple sites throughout the body.

Potassium m axi-K channels play an important role in regulating proper smooth muscle response in airway tissues as well as may help restrict the release of constrictive substances in the lungs, which may be instrumental in helping limit asthmatic and allergenic responses.

Another interesting potential benefit of vitexin is that it may help moderate pain and stress caused by constricted airways. Vitexin may help exert behaviorally-specific antinociception against stress and pain stimuli and may also help regulate GABA receptors in the brain, and may help limit excessive GABA stress response, potentially enabling an animal to remain calm and with less pain when suffering from allergenic or asthmatic onset.

As a powerful, potential analgesic (pain reliever), MANAYUPA POWDER is also used to help address symptoms of stomach and bowel cramping, muscle and joint aches and pains related to arthritis, injuries, and spasms, as a digestive aid and as a hepatoprotective liver tonic for fatty liver disease and liver injuries and pain.

MANAYUPA POWDER also has a role as an anti-mutagenic in potentially helping protect cellular health, and c ontains plant actions with may help interfere with an enzyme process required by bacteria and pathogens to replicate.

As a natural chelator, MANAYUPA POWDER may help detoxify the body from environmental toxins, may help cleanse the urinary tract, for vaginitis, cystitis and prostatitis, urinary inflammation and infection.

The adaptogen plant actions of MANAYUPA POWDER may help deliver immune modulating and anti-inflammatory relief for conditional needs of respiratory distress due to novel phytochemistry which may help selectively down regulate overactive immune cells, while up regulating under performing immune cells and excess inflammation, as needed.

MANAYUPA POWDER contains a variety of documented, nutritional and phytochemical natural plant values which include adaptogen flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides and chemicals known as D-pinitol and soyasaponins, including a novel soyasaponin called dehydrosoyasaponin 1, which are a highly active natural phytochemicals with studied therapeutic actions for asthma and allergies.

MANAYUPA POWDER also contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, fatty acids, sterols, oxidole alkaloids, Prebiotics and Probiotics, digestive enzymes, inulin, polyphenols, phenylpropanoids, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), quinovic acid, glycosides, carboxyl alkyl esters, tannins, catechins and procyanidins, selenium, calcium, thiamin, amino acids serine, valine and leucine; protein, mixed carotenoids (including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin); resveratrol, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), co-factor enzymes, terpenes alpha-pinene and d-limonene, novel D-pinitol, antioxidant glycosides including novel vitexin and isovitexin, Isovitexin (apigenin-6-C-glucoside), astragalin (anti-bacterial chemistry found in astragalus) and oligosaccharides,

Documented plant actions include analgesic, antioxidant, bronchodialator, anti-asthmatic, anti-anaphylactic, anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, cough suppressant, expectorant, anti-histamine, leukotriene inhibitor, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic (cell protecting), smooth muscle promoter, muscle relaxant, anti-convulsant, decongestant, potassium maxi-K channel inhibitor, anti-mutagenic, hepatoprotectve, immune modulatory, neuroprotective, liver tonic, antihemorrhagic, anti-venom, ACE-inhibitor (for high blood pressure), anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-Candidal, astringent, antimycobacterial, and in-vitro activity against disease causing pathogens such as Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, E. coli, and Neisseria gonorrhea, PAF (platelet-activating factor) inhibitor


Manayupa Powderr


Do not give to pregnant or nursing pets or pets using digitalis heart medications. May potentiate diabetic medications and blood sugar levels of diabetic animals should be monitored more closely.


May potentiate blood pressure, diabetic, heart and sedative drugs.r


M ay potentiate diabetic, hypoglycemic, cardiovascular (heart) and high blood pressure medications.


Add powder to your dog or cat's meal daily.Best if added to canned wet food, home prepared meals and treats, raw, dehydrated or hybrid diets.>


1-10 lbs 1/8 tsp11-25 lbs 1/4 tsp26-50 lbs 1/2 tsp51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp76+ lbs 1 tspUse for at least 30 days to see initial results.

Thank you for shopping at
Manayupa Powder - Breath Support & Respiratory Support* The Petz Kitchen For Dogs & Cats* - 8 Oz. Bag
Manayupa Powder - Breath Support & Respiratory Support* The Petz Kitchen For Dogs & Cats* - 8 Oz. Bag ('TPKMANAYUPA8OZ)

MANAYUPA POWDER is a popular plant that grows plentifully throughout many Amazonian territories, producing beautiful purple flowers and green fruits that resemble small, bean like pods.

MANAYUPA POWDER is used similarly in all South American herbal, medical systems as a primary antispasmodic, bronchodilator and muscle relaxant to help address lung inflammation, and its use for conditional needs related to upper and lower respiratory bacterial and viral infections and disorders and cardiopulmonary distress is well documented, including asthma, allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic cough, excessive phlegm and mucous, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

MANAYUPA POWDER contains a natural plant chemical called v itexin, which functions as a plant based anti-allergenic and anti-mutagenic which may help provide unique cellular protective actions against at-risk lung tissues from oxidative stress and damage, as well as may help reduce lung inflammation and excessive mucous production. The plant chemical vitexin may also help modulate inflammations in the cells driven by an allergies or genetic respiratory diseases.

MANAYUPA POWDER plant actions may help interfere with naturally occurring chemicals in the animal body called spasmogens that trigger asthma and other breathing disorders. Once spasmogens are triggered, they can launch a sequence of actions that lead to several respiratory disorders.

First, spasmogens cause contractions in the lungs and interrupt proper smooth muscle function. Next, excess histamine triggers an allergenic response, followed by leukotrienes that cause bronchials to constrict and increase mucous production. If any of these actions occur disproportionately, it can lead to a life threatening reaction called anaphylactic shock.

As a primary bronchodilator, MANAYUPA POWDER contains the most potent plant based potassium maxi-K channel openers, most notably dehydrosoyasaponin I, that may help relax lung tissue and may help inhibit contractions in the lungs, as well as spasmogen contractions at multiple sites throughout the body.

Potassium m axi-K channels play an important role in regulating proper smooth muscle response in airway tissues as well as may help restrict the release of constrictive substances in the lungs, which may be instrumental in helping limit asthmatic and allergenic responses.

Another interesting potential benefit of vitexin is that it may help moderate pain and stress caused by constricted airways. Vitexin may help exert behaviorally-specific antinociception against stress and pain stimuli and may also help regulate GABA receptors in the brain, and may help limit excessive GABA stress response, potentially enabling an animal to remain calm and with less pain when suffering from allergenic or asthmatic onset.

As a powerful, potential analgesic (pain reliever), MANAYUPA POWDER is also used to help address symptoms of stomach and bowel cramping, muscle and joint aches and pains related to arthritis, injuries, and spasms, as a digestive aid and as a hepatoprotective liver tonic for fatty liver disease and liver injuries and pain.

MANAYUPA POWDER also has a role as an anti-mutagenic in potentially helping protect cellular health, and c ontains plant actions with may help interfere with an enzyme process required by bacteria and pathogens to replicate.

As a natural chelator, MANAYUPA POWDER may help detoxify the body from environmental toxins, may help cleanse the urinary tract, for vaginitis, cystitis and prostatitis, urinary inflammation and infection.

The adaptogen plant actions of MANAYUPA POWDER may help deliver immune modulating and anti-inflammatory relief for conditional needs of respiratory distress due to novel phytochemistry which may help selectively down regulate overactive immune cells, while up regulating under performing immune cells and excess inflammation, as needed.

MANAYUPA POWDER contains a variety of documented, nutritional and phytochemical natural plant values which include adaptogen flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides and chemicals known as D-pinitol and soyasaponins, including a novel soyasaponin called dehydrosoyasaponin 1, which are a highly active natural phytochemicals with studied therapeutic actions for asthma and allergies.

MANAYUPA POWDER also contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, fatty acids, sterols, oxidole alkaloids, Prebiotics and Probiotics, digestive enzymes, inulin, polyphenols, phenylpropanoids, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), quinovic acid, glycosides, carboxyl alkyl esters, tannins, catechins and procyanidins, selenium, calcium, thiamin, amino acids serine, valine and leucine; protein, mixed carotenoids (including lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin); resveratrol, glucose, potassium, phosphorous, iron, lysophosphatidic acids (LPA), co-factor enzymes, terpenes alpha-pinene and d-limonene, novel D-pinitol, antioxidant glycosides including novel vitexin and isovitexin, Isovitexin (apigenin-6-C-glucoside), astragalin (anti-bacterial chemistry found in astragalus) and oligosaccharides,

Documented plant actions include analgesic, antioxidant, bronchodialator, anti-asthmatic, anti-anaphylactic, anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, cough suppressant, expectorant, anti-histamine, leukotriene inhibitor, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic (cell protecting), smooth muscle promoter, muscle relaxant, anti-convulsant, decongestant, potassium maxi-K channel inhibitor, anti-mutagenic, hepatoprotectve, immune modulatory, neuroprotective, liver tonic, antihemorrhagic, anti-venom, ACE-inhibitor (for high blood pressure), anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-Candidal, astringent, antimycobacterial, and in-vitro activity against disease causing pathogens such as Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, E. coli, and Neisseria gonorrhea, PAF (platelet-activating factor) inhibitor


Manayupa Powderr


Do not give to pregnant or nursing pets or pets using digitalis heart medications. May potentiate diabetic medications and blood sugar levels of diabetic animals should be monitored more closely.


May potentiate blood pressure, diabetic, heart and sedative drugs.r


M ay potentiate diabetic, hypoglycemic, cardiovascular (heart) and high blood pressure medications.


Add powder to your dog or cat's meal daily.Best if added to canned wet food, home prepared meals and treats, raw, dehydrated or hybrid diets.>


1-10 lbs 1/8 tsp11-25 lbs 1/4 tsp26-50 lbs 1/2 tsp51-75 lbs 3/4 tsp76+ lbs 1 tspUse for at least 30 days to see initial results.

Thank you for shopping at
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