Step into the enchanting realm of the Magical Fern Forest Dog Bandana, an exquisite piece featured in Aria The Fox's Sierra Sunrise Collection. Picture your four-legged companion adorned in this breathtaking accessory as you delve into the mystical wilderness. The bandana boasts a captivating vintage design against a backdrop of deep ebony, conjuring an aura of timeless elegance.
Quick-Drying: Keep your pup dry and comfortable with our fast-drying dog bandana, ideal for all of their summer activities.
Lightweight & Breathable: Made from airy, comfortable fabric so your dog can wear it all day without overheating.
Vivid Colors & Fun Patterns: Add a stylish pop to your dog's wardrobe with our eye-catching designs that coordinate with our entire collection.
Slightly Stretchy Fabric: Our resilient material hugs your dog's neck just right, helping the bandana stay in place during your adventures.
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- Availability: In Stock
- Model: 'aria0028
- Brand: Aria the Fox LLC